Chapter 18
injury resulting from trauma experienced during a single episode of training
the period of development between the onset of puberty and adulthood, characterized by a growth spurt
absence of menstrual flow
disruption in the menstrual cycle as a result of high-intensity athletic training programs
a competitive sport in which the participant uses several resistance training methods to develop muscle size, symmetry, and definition
the time between the first birthday and puberty, characterized by steady growth and maturation with particularly rapid progress in motor development
injury resulting from repeated microtrauma due to overuse
a training program focused on the muscles that stabilize the trunk of the body, including abdominal, low back, and gluteal muscles, as well as flexibility of muscular attachments to the pelvis, such as the quadriceps and hamstring muscles
1. the differentiation of cells along specialized lines of function; 2. the evolution of competence in a variety of interrelated domains
a disturbance in the behavior associated with taking in food; anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are examples
pain from uterine contractions or ischemia during menstruation
a thin layer of cartilage between the epiphysis, a secondary bone forming center, and the bone shaft; new bone forms along the plate
a syndrome that affects extremely physically active females, characterized by disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis
an increase in the size of the body as a whole or the size attained by specific parts of the body
the first year of life, characterized by rapid growth in almost all bodily functions and physical characteristics
the effort to reduce body weight in order to qualify for a particular weight class in competition
the tempo and timing of progress toward the mature (advanced) biological state
the total work performed during a maximal 30-second cycle ergometer test; reflects the capacity of the glycolytic energy production pathway
the greatest rate of growth in height; used to assess the adolescent growth spurt
the greatest amount of work performed during a five-second period; reflects the efficiency of the phosphagen system (ATP and CP breakdown)
the greatest rate of increase in weight; used to assess the adolescent growth spurt
a competitive sport in which an athlete attempts to lift a maximal amount of weight in specific lifts (squat, dead lift, and bench press)
the period of life during which the ability to reproduce begins or the time of sexual maturation
the use of resistance methods to increase one’s ability to exert or resist force; may include use of free weights, the individual’s own body weight, machines, and/or other resistance devices to attain this goal
a commonly used technique that uses a 1 to 5 scale in assessing puberty, based on the level of development of secondary sex traits
a competitive sport in which an athlete attempts to lift a maximal amount of weight in specific lifts (clean and jerk and snatch)
Physical Fitness and Activity in Schools
American Academy of Pediatrics
ACSM Current Comment—Preseason Conditioning for Young Athletes
Weight Training for Children and Adolescents
Strength Training for Children