Videos and Reflection Questions

Chapter 8

Why Autism Is a Gift

Reflection Questions

  1. Temple Grandin explains why she feels having autism is a gift. At 1:30, she says there are lots of “smart, kind of Aspergery, geeky kids” that teachers don’t know what to with. How can adopting a UDL approach to teaching help teachers effectively teach these “smart, Aspergery, geeky kids?”


Ask an Autistic #1: What Is Stimming?\

Reflection Questions

  1. A young woman with autism explains stimming and how it helps people with autism. Prior to watching this video, did you understand stimming? What were some preconceived notions you had about stimming?
  2. Amythest mentions that she welcomes questions from people who want to understand autism. What are some questions you would ask her to further your understanding about what it’s like to be autistic?