Videos and Reflection Questions

Chapter 11

Speechless Episode 1: Channing Tatum
Carly Fleishmann is an adult with autism who is nonverbal. She interviews Channing Tatum using a text to speech device.

Reflection Questions

  1. When using communication systems, many ECSE teachers focus on helping children to communicate only their wants and needs. How could you use PECS and other communication devices to encourage young children in your classroom to have longer, more meaningful conversations?


Brother Beach Talk- Speechless
In this clip from Speechless, two fictional brothers commiserate about their lack of success in dating. JJ, who has CP, and uses a communication board and head laser to communicate.

Reflection Questions

  1. Would you be able to engage in a conversation with JJ without feeling uncomfortable?


Steps to Verbal Imitation Skills in Toddlers EXCERPT
A pediatric SLP discusses some of the reasons that children are unable to talk and imitate.

Reflection Questions

  1. Why is it important for early childhood teachers to understand why a child’s speech is delayed?
  2. What difference does the cause make in terms of lesson and adaptation planning?