Videos and Reflection Questions
Chapter 7
Lily’s Assessment and IFSP Development
An initial assessment and IFSP development done in Virginia.
Reflection Questions
- From the beginning of the video until 1:20, snippets of the assessment are shown. Do you have any suggestions for the team about how they could complete family-directed assessments?
- At 17:09, Lily’s grandmother is asked what successful mastery of Lily’s speech goal would look like for her. Why is this question important for the IFSP team?
- At 18:16, Lily’s grandmother is asked what kinds of situations she would like to see Lily imitating words in. Based on her answers, what are some natural environments that therapy could take place?
- At the end of the meeting at 30:03, the team asks Lily’s grandmother what her ideal therapy frequency would be. Why do you think it is so important to involve a family in making frequency decisions in early intervention?
IDEA: Understanding Measurable Goals on the IEP
Reflection Questions
- Beginning at 9:40, real life IFSP and IEP goals are introduced. Cassie’s goal is from an IFSP and Bill’s goal is from an IEP. Compare and contrast the structure of the two goals.
- Based on these differences and similarities in programs and the ways goals are written, what kinds of preparation might a parent need to manage the transition from IFSP to IEP?
- At 15:15, an example of an IEP goal for John is given. What are some other measurable goals you write for John that address the goal of decreasing physically aggressive outbursts?