Videos and Reflection Questions

Chapter 2

The Growth of Knowledge: Crash Course Psychology #18
Discussion of Piaget begins at 1:50.

Reflection Questions

  1. At 3:30, Hank describes accommodation, or the ability to adjust your schema to include new information. In what ways have you adjusted your thinking as a result of learning about constructivist theories?
  2. At 7:47, Hank describes Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and the idea of scaffolding. What are some ways that you can create the ZPD in an early childhood setting?
  3. At 8:20, Hank posits that Piaget’s greatest achievement was changing the way that children’s thinking was conceptualized and understood. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?


Using the Planning Board
This short video shows a High/Scope preschool teacher engaging in the use of a planning board. Planning is a key tenet of the High/Scope curriculum.

Reflection Questions

  1. What are some of the benefits and challenges of allowing children to plan their own learning?


Ask an Autistic #9- What Is Sensory Processing Disorder?
A young woman with autism explains sensory processing disorder.

Reflection Questions

  1. At 2:40, Amethyst describes a child who is under responsive to proprioceptive input. What might this child look like during preschool circle time?
  2. At 3:39, Amethyst describes how people with SPD are either over or under responsive to stimuli from their seven main senses. Each of us reacts to stimuli differently. What are some stimuli that you are over or under responsive to (for example, do you love roller coasters or do you get carsick)?
  3. At 5:56, Amethyst begins discussing how one can support a person with SPD. Do you have any ideas about how to support kids with SPD in the classroom?