Chapter 3: Typical and Atypical Development

Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Understand the concepts of typical and atypical development;
  • Differentiate between factors that might affect development before, during, and after birth;
  • Describe environmental factors that could cause damage to the developing organism during the prenatal period;
  • Describe how maternal substance use can lead to maternal and fetal complications;
  • Discuss the importance of maternal health and understand various disorders and infections that might cause developmental problems in the child;
  • Discuss the impact of maternal and child nutrition on the healthy development of the fetus and the health of the child after birth;
  • Describe possible complications that could occur during the birthing process;
  • Differentiate between areas of development in the child and define each area;
  • Understand the relationship between brain and behavior in a child’s development;
  • Discuss the importance of the child/adult relationship in relation to the overall development of the child.


  1. In your view, what are some factors that could affect the healthy development of the child before the child is born?
  2. Why do you think pregnant women are advised to avoid using drugs and alcohol and smoking cigarettes during pregnancy?
  3. How important is a child’s nutrition in his or her development?
  4. In your opinion, is it important to stimulate infants through daily interactions? Why or why not?