Chapter 20 - The future
Chapter 20 web version
In the book version of this chapter we will cover:
- The latest developments in devices, including wearables, and in automated storytelling
- The development of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and a vision for Web 3.0
- Developing journalism for new and future technologies.
At the end of the chapter is a range of exercises for you to practise what you have learned.
Here we will look at:
- Updates on new developments in software and hardware
- Case studies of emerging journalistic enterprises – when they develop
- Tuition in new techniques – as they emerge.
Always have the book version of Multimedia Journalism to hand while you use this website – the off- and on-line versions are designed to work together.
20C1 Pointers to the future
Eyewear products such as Google Glass ( need visual and voice recognition software, and are particularly appropriate for interacting with the world you see through forms of augmented reality.
20C2 The bigger picture: Web 3.0
PC Magazine on the future:,2817,2102863,00.asp
Sramana Mitra, an entrepreneur, strategy consultant and author of the technology business, sees 3.0 as bringing together and developing everything from Web’s 1.0 and 2.0 – content, commerce and community, or what she calls the 3Cs – and adding to it a fourth C – context.
Apps that combine the characteristics is Web 3.0
20C3 The C-for-content in Web 3.0, and the opportunities for journalism
A podcast on wearables in news
Automated writing explained
How robot writing systems work
Further resources
How to be literate in what’s changing journalism: