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Further Reading

For stylistic shifts in translation

May, R. (1994) The Translator in the Text: On Reading Russian Literature in English, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.

Parks, T. (2007) Translating Style, 2nd edition, Manchester: St Jerome.

Saldanha, G. (2010) ‘Translator style: Methodological considerations’, The Translator 17.1: 25–50.

For more on corpus-based translation studies

Biber, D., S. Conrad and R. Reppen (1998) Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kruger, A., K. Wallmach and J. Munday (eds) (2011) Corpus-based Translation Studies: Research and Applications, London and New York: Continuum.

Laviosa, S. (2002) Corpus-based Translation Studies: Theory, Findings, Applications, Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Zanettin, F. (2013) ‘Corpus methods for descriptive translation studies’, Procedia 95: 20–32.

For think-aloud protocols and other methods

Lee-Jahnke, H. (ed.) (2005) Processus et cheminements en traduction et interprétation [Processes and pathways in translation and interpretation], Special issue of Meta 50.2.

Tirkkonen-Condit, S. and R. Jääskeläinen (eds) (2000) Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Research projects

  1. Look at the work that has been done on translation style (see Further Reading) and note the differences between the various definitions and approaches. Think of ways in which it might be possible to differentiate the translator’s ‘linguistic fingerprint’ from that of the source author.
  2. Examine more closely the interpretive model of translation (Lederer 1994/2003). In what ways does the model differ from Nida’s three-phase model studied in Chapter 3? Which do you feel has more potential for explaining the translation process?
  3. Read up on the corpus studies noted in the chapter, especially Laviosa (1998b), Olohan (2004), and Kruger, Wallmach and Munday (2011). Design a study to investigate the dictionary translations of a problematic term between English and your languages. For instance, investigate the use of the near-synonyms attached, fond and devoted, and their equivalents in another language
  4. Read up details of the implementation of think-aloud protocols (e.g.Tirkkonen-Condit and Jääskeläinen 2000, see Further Reading) and make a summary of the findings. Then test out the method:
    • Write a detailed methodology for your experiment.
    • Carry out the experiment on another student/translator (with the subject’s permission and following ethical approval procedures!).
    • Describe your findings.
    • What advantages and limitations of this kind of research do you note?
    • How far do your findings correspond to those you noted above?
    • What changes would you make to any follow-up experiment?


4.1 Gil Bardají, A. (2009) ‘Procedures, techniques, strategies: Translation process operators’, Perspectives 17.3: 161–73.

4.3 Zhang Meifang and Pan Li (2009) ‘Introducing a Chinese perspective on translation shifts: A comparative study of shift models by Loh and Vinay and Darbelnet’, The Translator 15.2: 351–74.

4.4 Writing on stylistic translation shifts

4.5 Zanettin, F. (2013) ‘Corpus methods for descriptive translation studies’, Procedia 95: 20–32.

Discussion and research point 1, p. 110

Greenwich text

Discussion and research point 2, p. 111

Rasul's composite model of translation procedures

See also the Free Reading Materials tab.

Greenwich text

The ancient town of Greenwich has been a gateway to London for over a thousand years. Invaders from the continent passed either by ship or the Old Dover Road, built by the Romans, on their way to the capital.

In 1012, the Danes moored their longships at Greenwich and raided Canterbury, returning with Archbishop Alfege as hostage and later murdering him on the spot where the church named after him now stands.

Arabic TT (thanks to Dr Falih Al-Emara, University of Leeds)

ظلت بلدة غرينتش القديمة مدخلا الى لندن طيلة ما يزيد على ألف سنة. مر منها الفاتحون القادمون من اوروبا بحراً في طريقهم إلى العاصمة وكذلك القادمون برا على طريق دوفر القديم الذي شيده الرومان. وفي سنة 1012، أرسى الدنماركيون سفنهم الطويلة في غرينتش وأغاروا على كانتربري، ثم عادوا وقد أخذوا المطران ألفج (Alfege) رهينة ليقتلوه بعدئذ في الموضع الذي تقف عليه اليوم الكنيسة التي سميت بإسمه.

Chinese TT (Thanks to Wan Tenglong and Yang Long, University of Leeds)

格林威治古镇上千年以来一直是进入伦敦的门户。来自欧洲大陆的侵略者要么通过水路、要么取道罗马人修建的旧多佛路进入首都伦敦。 1012年,丹麦人将他们的长船泊靠在格林威治,袭击了坎特伯雷,将圣阿腓基大主教携为人质,之后将他杀害。他遇害的地方如今矗立着以他的名字命名的教堂。

Korean TT (thanks to Dr Ji-Hae Kang and students, Ajou University)

천년이 넘는 세월 동안 고대 도시인 그리니치는 런던으로 향하는 관문이었다. 대륙에서 영국을 넘보던 침략자들이 수도인 런던으로 가기 위해서는 배를 이용하거나 고대 로마인들이 만들어 놓은 올드 도버 로드(Old Dover Road)를 지나야만 했다. 1012년 당시 바이킹들은 그리니치에 배를 정박하고 캔터베리에 침입하였다. 이 과정에서 이들은 알페지 대주교를 인질로 잡아 그리니치로 돌아온 뒤 살해했는데, 현재 그 자리에는 알페지 대주교의 이름을 딴 성 알페지 교회(St. Alfege’s Church)가 세워져 있다.

Malay TT (thanks to Dr Idris Mansor, Universiti Sains Malaysia)

Bandar lama Greenwich merupakan pintu masuk ke Kota London sejak hampir seribu tahun yang lalu. Penceroboh dari negara lain menggunakan laluan ini untuk ke ibu kota atau menggunakan Old Dover Road yang dibuat oleh pemerintah Rom.

Pada tahun 1012, penceroboh Denmark melabuhkan kapal mereka di Greenwich dan menyerang Bandar Canterbury. Dalam serangan ini, mereka telah menawan ketua biskop Alfege dan kemudian membunuhnya di suatu tempat yang telah dibina sebuah gereja yang diberi nama bersempena dengan nama beliau.