
german grammar

Verb Uses

(chapter 7)

Here you will find quizzes on the use of the passive , the subjunctive II and subjunctive I and modal verbs .

Modal Verbs

Exercise 1 - Fill in the gap with a suitable modal auxiliary verb in the present tense.

Exercise 2 - Rewrite the sentences using the same modal auxiliary verb in the perfect tense.

Exercise 3 - Choose the most suitable modal auxiliary verb form from the options.

Exercise 4 - Which modal auxiliary verb fits best?

Exercise 5 - How confident do you feel about the use of modal auxiliary verbs? Find out with this quiz.

Exercise 6 - These modal auxiliary verbs are sometimes tough to translate. Match up the German sentences with the English translation.

Special characters to copy - ä, ö, ü, ß



Exercise 1 - Change the active sentence to the passive. You will need to write complete sentences.

Exercise 2 - Change the following sentences to the passive voice in the past tense. You will need to write complete sentences.

Exercise 3 - Negate the questions using the passive in the perfect tense. Example: Hat man ihn wegen Diebstahl angezeigt? Nein, er ist nicht angezeigt worden.

Exercise 4 - The passive with dative and prepositional objects. Change the following sentences into the passive voice keeping the tense of the active sentence.

Exercise 5 - The passive with werden and sein. Decide whether the sentences express an action (werden-passive) or a state (sein-passive) and fill in the blank accordingly with a form of haben or sein in a suitable tense.

Exercise 6 - Von or durch with the passive? Insert the preposition together with the agent in brackets. Pay attention to the case ending.

Exercise 7 - Do you feel fairly confident now? Then you should try this quiz on the passive with modal verbs. Rewrite the whole sentence in the passive voice using the same tense.  

Exercise 8 - Ready for the challenge? Change the following sentences into the passive keeping the tense.

Special characters to copy - ä, ö, ü, ß


Subjunctive I:

Exercise 1 - Change the sentences in italics into reported speech using the subjunctive I. Complete the sentences; start with a small letter and end the sentence with a full stop.

Exercise 2 - Complete the sentences in reported speech using the subjunctive I (or the subjunctive II as a replacement form, if the form of the subjunctive I is the same as the indicative). Keep the tense of the direct speech. Don't forget to end your sentence with a full stop.

Exercise 3 - Complete the indirect questions using the subjunctive I. Pay attention to the tenses and pronouns. Remember to end your sentence with a full stop.

Exercise 4 - Test your knowledge on reported speech and the subjunctive I with this quiz.

Special characters to copy - ä, ö, ü, ß


Subjunctive II: Conditional Sentences

Exercise 1 - Formulate wishes in the subjunctive II (past subjunctive) starting with the verb. Insert the adjective in brackets in the comparative form and doch nur for emphasis.

In dieser Bar ist es immer so laut! (ruhig) Wäre es doch nur ruhiger!

Exercise 2 - Formulate wishes in the subjunctive II (pluperfect subjunctive) of the type Wären wir doch nur mit dem Zug gefahren! Write complete sentences starting with the conjugated verb inserting doch nur.

Exercise 3 - Conditional sentences in the subjunctive II (past subjunctive). Formulate hypothetical conditions in the subjunctive II. Use the würden-form for regular (weak) verbs. Write complete sentences.

a) Wenn mir langweilig ist, esse ich Schokolade.
Wenn mir langweilig wäre, äße ich Schokolade.
b) Wenn ich mich entspannen will, höre ich Musik.
Wenn ich mich entspannen wollte, würde ich Musik hören.

Exercise 4 - Hypothetical conditions in the past. Rewrite the sentences in the pluperfect subjunctive.

Wenn mir langweilig ist, esse ich Schokolade.
Wenn mir langweilig gewesen wäre, hätte ich Schokolade gegessen.

Exercise 5 - Subjunctive II with modal verbs. Change the sentences into hypothetical conditions in the past using the pluperfect subjunctive.

Er kann mir helfen.
Er hätte mir helfen können.

Exercise 6 - Test your knowledge on conditional clauses and the subjunctive II with this multiple choice quiz. You will need to pay attention to the grammatical form and the meaning of the sentence.

Exercise 7 - Test your knowledge on conditional clauses and the subjunctive II with this multiple choice quiz.

Special characters to copy - ä, ö, ü, ß