Krista Steinke
Krista Steinke’s website
Krista Steinke’s faculty page in the Department OF VISUALIZATION at A&M UNIVERSITY
Krista Steinke, Since you've been gone: 2-month pinhole exposure, (from the series
"Sun Notations"), 2016.
Krista Steinke, A vacation from my vacation: summer long pinhole exposure (from
the series "Sun Notations"), 2016.
Krista Steinke, The bad news was actually really good news: 8 week pinhole exposure
(from the series "Sun Notations"), 2016.
Krista Steinke, 70 days after the election: exposure from Nov. 9, 2016 - Jan. 20, 2017 (from the series "Sun Notations").
Krista Steinke, On the breath of a forest (photograms with summer long pinhole exposures), 2015. Archival prints mounted on wood panels, each panel 6x8"/grid dimensions variable.
Krista Steinke, On the breath of a forest (detail shot), 2015. Archival prints mounted on wood panels, each panel 6x8"/grid dimensions variable.