Charlie Michaels
Light & Shadow, Presentation
Charlie Michaels’s website
The Night Sky Billboard Project by Charlie Michaels & Bird, on Broken City Lab
Charlie Michaels, Night Sky Billboard Project, 2011, documentation of hand painted billboard, 12' x 20'
Charlie Michaels, Night Sky Billboard, Chene & Canfield, 2011, documentation of wheat pasted image on billboard, digital print, 24" x 45"
Charlie Michaels, Detroit / Grosse Pointe Border (with Detail), 2009, digital panoramic photograph, 5" x 25'
Charlie Michaels, Photographs by Children in Ayigya-Zongo, a curated exhibition of children's photography in an unfinished school in Kumasi, Ghana, 2011
Charlie Michaels, Repainting the Red, collaborative house painting with city residents, Kumasi, Ghana, 2009