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Section 8: Going Somewhere: Transgender Movement(s)

Click on the tabs below to view the content for each chapter.

Chapter 36: Transgender Without Organs? Mobilizing a Geo-affective Theory of Gender Modification - Lucas Crawford

Further Reading

Deleuze, G. & Guattari, F. (1988). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.

Linstead, S. & Pullen, A. (2006). Gender as Multiplicity: Desire, Displacement, Difference and Dispersion. Human Relations, 59(9), 1287–1310.

Nash, C. J. (2010). Trans Geographies, Embodiment, and Experience. Gender, Place, and Culture, 17(5), 579–595.

Chapter 37: Longevity and Limits in Rae Bourbon’s Life in Motion - Don Romesberg

Further Reading

Heap, C. (2009). The Pansy and Lesbian Craze in White and Black. Chapter 6 in Slumming: Sexual and Racial Encounters in American Nightlife, 1885–1940. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Muñoz, J. E. (1999). Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics (Vol. 2). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Riccio, T. (2011). Performing Femininity: Rae Bourbon and Christine Jorgensen Onstage. American Studies Senior Theses. Paper 11. Fordham University.

Chapter 38: The Romance of the Amazing Scalpel: Race, Affect and Labor in Thai Gender Reassignment Clinics - Aren Z. Aizura

Further Reading

Jackson, P. (Ed.). (1999). Lady Boys, Tom Boys, Rent Boys: Male and Female Homosexualities in Thailand. Binghamton: Haworth Press.

Ong, A. (1999). Flexible Citizenship: The Cultural Logics of Transnationality. Durham: Duke University Press.

Puar, J. (Ed.). (2002). Queer Tourism [Special Issue]. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 8(1/2), 101–137.
Read, J. (2003). The Real Subsumption of Subjectivity by Capital. Chapter 3 in The Micropolitics of Capital: Marx and the Prehistory of the Present. Albany: SUNY Press, 103–152.

Wilson, A. (2004). The Intimate Economies of Bangkok: Tomboys, Tycoons, and Avon Ladies in the Global City. Berkeley: University of California Press.


The website for the Suporn Clinic, a premier sex reassignment clinic in Chonburi, Thailand


"SRS in Thailand", segment from TV show, Sexplorations

"Captain Winkie's Final Hours," a self-produced video documenting Cristlynn's sex reassignment surgery process in Thailand


Click on the image to view the full size.


Image 1: Brochure advertising "Sex Change Surgery," Yanhee International Hospital, Bangkok.


Image 2: Brochure advertising "Eyelid Surgery," Yanhee International Hospital, Bangkok.


Image 3: Brochure advertising "Mammoplasty," Yanhee International Hospital, Bangkok


Image 4: Brochure advertising "Voice change," Yanhee International Hospital, Bangkok


Attribution: author's personal archive

Chapter 39: Trans/scriptions: Homing Desires, (Trans)sexual Citizenship and Racialized Bodies - Nael Bhanji

Further Reading

Fortier, A.-M. (2003). Making Home: Queer Migrations and Motions of Attachment. In S. Ahmed, C. Castañeda, & A.-M. Fortier (Eds.), Uprootings/Regroundings: Questions of Home and Migration. Oxford: Berg, 115–135.

Manalansan, M. F. (2006). Queer Intersections: Sexuality and Gender in Migration Studies. International Migration Review, 40(1), 224–249.

Rubin, H. S. (1998). Phenomenology as Method in Trans Studies. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 4(2), 263–281.

Chapter 40: Transportation: Translating Filipino/Filipino-American Tomboy Masculinities Through Seafaring and Migration - Kale Fajardo

Further Reading

Blackwood, E. (1999). Tombois in West Sumatra: Constructing Masculinity and Erotic Desire.
In E. Blackwood & S. Wieringa (Eds.), Female Desires: Same-Sex Relations and Transgender Practices Across Cultures. New York: Columbia University Press, 181–205.

Sheppard, E. (2012). Trade, Globalization and Uneven Development. Progress in Human Geography, 36(1), 44–71.