Section 6: Timely Matters: Temporality and Trans-historicity
Click on the tabs below to view the content for each chapter.
Chapter 27: Selections from “Before the Tribade: Medieval Anatomies of Female Masculinity and Pleasure” - Karma Lochrie
Further Reading
Brundage, J. (1987). Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cadden, J. (1993). Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages: Medicine, Science, and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Daston, L. & Park, K. (1995). The Hermaphrodite and the Orders of Nature: Sexual Ambiguity in Early Modern France. GLQ, 1(4), 419–438.
Laqueur, T. (1990). Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Park, K. (1997). The Rediscovery of the Clitoris: French Medicine and the Tribade, 1570–1620. In D. Hillman & C. Mazzio (Eds.), The Body in Parts: Fantasies of Corporeality in Early Modern Europe. New York: Routledge, 170–193.
Traub, V. (2002). The Psychomorphology of the Clitoris; Or, the Reemergence of the Tribade in English Culture. In V. Traub (Ed.), The Renaissance of Lesbianism in Early Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 288–228.
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Illustrations depicting hermaphrodites. Ambroise Paré. The Works of that Famous Chirurgeon Ambrose Parey, Translated out of Latin, and Compared with the French by Th. Johnson: Together with Three Tractates Concerning the Veins, Arteries, and Nerves... London: Printed by Mary Clark for John Clark, 1678. The Lilly Library, Indiana University.
Chapter 28: Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California - Deborah A. Miranda
Further Reading
Ardren, T. (2008).Studies of Gender in the Prehispanic Americas. Journal of Archaeological Research, 16(1), 1–35.
Forgey, D. G. (1975). The Institution of Berdache among the North American Plains Indians. The Journal of Sex Research, 11(1), 1–15.
Hurtado, A. (1999). Intimate Frontiers: Sex, Gender, and Culture in Old California. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
Jacobs, S. E., Thomas, W., & Lang, S. (Eds.). (1997). Two-Spirit People: Native American Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Spirituality. Champaign: University of Illinois Press.
Lang, S. (1998). Men as Women, Women as Men: Changing Gender in Native American Cultures. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Chapter 29: Before Transgender: Transvestia’s Gender Spectrum, 1960-1980 - Robert Hill
Further Reading
Brown, K. (1995). “Changed … into the fashion of man”: The Politics of Sexual Difference in a Seventeenth-Century Anglo-American Settlement. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 6(2), 171–193.
Green, P. (2006). A Safe House for the Girl Within. New York Times, September 7.
Meyerowitz, J. (2002). Sexual Revolutions. Chapter Five of How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. Cambridge: Harvard,168–207.
Swope, R. and Hurst, M. (Eds.). (2005). Casa Susanna. New York: Powerhouse Books.
The website of Tri-Ess – an international membership support organization for heterosexual crossdressers (Tri-Ess is a descendent of Virginia Prince’s Phi Pi Epsilon)
McAllister, L., Gybbons, K., Brewster, L. (Eds.). (nd). Drag, 1(1), New York: Queens Publications. Download
Brewster, L. (Ed.). (1971). Drag, 1(3), New York: Queens Publications. Download
Prince, V. (Ed.). (1960). Transvestia, 1(5), Los Angeles: Chevalier Publications. Download
Prince, V. (Ed.). (1961). Transvestia, 2(11), Los Angeles: Chevalier Publications. Download
Prince, V. (Ed.). (1962). Transvestia, 3(16), Los Angeles: Chevalier Publications. Download
Prince, V. (Ed.). (1968). Transvestia, 9(54), Los Angeles: Chevalier Publications. Download
Prince, V. (Ed.). (1978). Transvestia, 16(95), Los Angeles: Chevalier Publications. Download
Chapter 30: Reading Transsexuality in “Gay” Tehran (Around 1979) - Afsaneh Najmabadi
Further Reading
Afary, J. (2009). Sexual Politics in Modern Iran. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bahreini, R. (2008). From Perversion to Pathology: Discourses and Practices of Gender Policing in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, 5(1), 1-49.
Bucar, E. M. & Shirazi, F. (2012). The “Invention” of Lesbian acts in Iran: Interpretative Moves, Hidden Assumptions, and Emerging Categories of Sexuality. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16(4), 416–434.
Chauncey, G. (1994). Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890–1940. New York: Basic Books.
Kheshti, R. (2009). Cross-Dressing and Gender (Tres)Passing: The Transgender Move as a Site of Agential Potential in the New Iranian Cinema. Hypatia, 24(3), 158–177.
Meyerowitz, J. (2002). How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Juste une femme (2002) – Mitra Farahani
Inside Out (2006) – Zohreh Shayesteh
The Birthday (2006) – Negin Kianfar and Daisy Mohr