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Part 2 – D Contexts for making sense of mathematics (QR⌂)

The support for this section consists of a series of discussion documents, bringing together text, video and other links to useful resources on the internet.

Hay McBer Classroom Climate [Visit T1]
A picture of teacher effectiveness on qualitative and quantitative data that studies what effective teachers do in their everyday practice.
Situated Learning Theory of Lave and Wenger [Visit T10]
Legitimate Peripheral Participation, community of practice
The Uncanny [Visit T12]
Contexts for learning, surprises, unusual and unfamiliar activities.
What would Happen if We Used the Principles of living Systems as Tools for Learning? [Visit T15]
Fritjof Capra “Speaking Nature's Language: Principles for Sustainability” [Visit T16]
Ken Webster & Craig Johnson “Sense & Sustainability” [Visit T17]
Pedagogical Approaches: Pedagogic Elements and Aims for EfS [Visit T18]
Some Pedagogical Approaches being used in Schools [Visit T19]
Some Background to Exploring Non-linear Pedagogical Approaches to ESDGC [Visit T20]

See also the ESD website.