N: Numbers and the number system
Here you will find additional support, guidance, activities and ideas for every sub-section in N Numbers and the number system. If you’re accessing these pages via the QR codes in the book, the cloud symbols will help you locate where ideas and activities expand discussion in the main text of the book.
N1: Counting and counting out
page 11
Fizz-Buzz One version consists of counting up from 1 in 1s, but replacing any number with a 7 in it by “fizz” and any number which is a multiple of 7 with “buzz”. You can try it with other numbers too.
So, it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, fizz, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, buzz, 15, 16, fizz, 18, 19, 20, buzz...
Janet Rees “Fizz Buzz: 101 Spoken Numeracy Games - Ideal for Mental Maths”
Alan Bloomfield and Bob Vertes “People Maths: Hidden Depths”
Jenny Mosley and Pat Murray “Quality Circle Time in the Primary Classroom: Your Essential Guide to Enhancing Self-esteem, Self-discipline and Positive Relationships” Association of Teachers of Mathematics “Developing Number 2”software. This package helps you build the foundations of number work and develop number concepts with Primary and Secondary School Pupils
More ideas page 10
Resource list of some tools for numeracy
- Fingers
- Circle counting
- Counting stick
- Cards or tiles on the floor, wall, washing line, table or child
- Number line
- Number track
- Number grids (counting, addition, multiplication, other systems)
- Numdrum (This is essentially a number grid which wraps around so the numbers appear as a continuous number line, yet with all the benefits of a number grid.)
- Target boards
- Gattegno number charts for saying and making numbers
- Place value arrow cards
- Real money
- Abacus
- Soroban
- Cuisenaire Rods
- Base 10 materials
More ideas page 14
Stanislas Dehaene “The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics”
More ideas page 15
On the CBeebies “Something Special” website, play games with Mr. Tumble, sign along with Justin Fletcher and watch video clips from the show. Mr. Tumble signs for and with young children.
N2: Saying and making numbers
More ideas page 16
“Gattegno’s Key Ideas” [View T5]
Silent Way resources
Association of Teachers of Mathematics “Developing Number 2”software. This package helps you build the foundations of number work and develop number concepts with Primary and Secondary School Pupils
More ideas page 21
Silent Way resources
An overhead projector (OHP) or interactive whiteboard (IWB) can be use,
A pointer, such as a garden cane, will also be useful
Association of Teachers of Mathematics “Developing Number 2”software
More ideas page 24
Counting in other languages, such as in this video which counts to 10 in Urdu
Counting in five European languages Resource
More ideas page 25
One to nine million Gattegno chart and zero to one equivalence chart available in the Resources section
N3: Arabic and other number systems
More ideas
Karl Menninger “Number Words and Number Symbols”. This classic study discusses number sequence and language and explores written numerals and computations in many cultures. “The historian of mathematics will find much to interest him here both in the contents and viewpoint, while the casual reader is likely to be intrigued by the author's superior narrative ability.”
More ideas page 28
Korean number system There are two sets of numbers in Korean: the native Korean system and the Sino-Korean system. The native numbers are used for numbers of items (1–99) and age, while the Sino-Korean system is based on Chinese numbers and is used for dates, money, addresses, phone numbers and numbers above 100.
The I Ching Trigrams

More ideas page 29
Chinese and Mayan number systems available in the Resources section
More ideas page 30
Bengali and Urdu number systems available in the Resources section
More ideas page 31
Arabic and international number systems available in the Resources section
N4: Working with Grids
More ideas
Grid Algebra is a visual and kinaesthetic way to learn number concepts and pre-algebra at KS2, and to learn about number and algebra for KS3 and KS4. What is more, it supports more developed algebra ideas as well.
More ideas page 37
Zero to 99 and spiral grids are available in the Resources section
More ideas page 38
Zig-zag and addition grids are available in the Resources section
More ideas page 39
Multiplication grids are available in the Resources section
N5: Working with target boards
Target Boards with Words and Images [View]
Consider how you might be able to use the extensive and varied resources available on children's TV channels such as CBeebies, CBBC and CITV
More ideas page 44
A range of target boards are available in the Resources section
N6: Working with sets
“Stuck in the mud” animated counting song
Set material sources available here
Also look for “Attribute blocks” on eBay
N7: Working with square numbers

There are lots of activities on square numbers at “nrich”
Vi Hart’s y = x2 “Doodling in Math Class: Connecting Dots”, including Angry Birds, Parabolas and joining the dots!
N8: Exploring Algebra
Pelmanism online
Kim’s game, available to play online
Flags This site provides images and detailed information on the flags of every country in the world
Number plates Look at the range and cost of personalised plates!
Years ago I became interested in Conway’s Game of Life which led me to Cellular Automata and Artificial Life. I have been playing with some simple growth patterns with two of my grandchildren using mm graph paper. Whilst time-consuming, the results are interesting. Much faster is to use one of the many apps now available for Smartphones and tablets such as “Life” from Underscore. It is a good idea to use squared and triangular paper first, to get a vague idea about what is going on!
N9: Taking ideas from ‘floor to head’
Floor to Head Resources
From: Washing lines, floor tiles, Brio, Duplo, Action Mats, hopscotch, skipping ropes as Venn diagrams, playground 100 squares and interactive whiteboards
To: Cuisenaire, Play People, Multilink, dominoes, jigsaws, personal computers, laptops and tablets
To: Paper grids and 100 squares pasted into books, 30cm rulers, angle-measurers, compasses, hand-held calculators and devices
More ideas
A Bigtrak XTR can cost around £70, but can be controlled from a Smartphone. Plus there are lots of attachments to spend money on!
A Bigtrak Junior (which is smaller and with smaller battery requirement) can be found on eBay or Amazon.
Beebot floor robot, which will cost around £50
A standard Roamer-Too will cost around £90
Some very short LOGO programs can be seen here. Prepare to be amazed!
More ideas page 62
Here is the story of Louis Braille
A video, “The Magic Touch”, is also available
More ideas page 63
Teach children playground games such as hopscotch, skipping games with a rope or elastic and Cat’s Cradle. You can also use numbered carpet tiles on the playground or in the hall.
Try some table games such as Chinese Checkers, Go, Chess, Draughts, O and Xs, dominos, card games, Dingbats, Pictionary or Buzzy Bumbles. Where is the maths?
Can you discuss strategies, notation, chance and probability?