Chapter 7
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Study Questions
- The scope of the practice of athletic training is defined within the ___________________ and the ___________________.
- Once certified, athletic trainers must continue their education by earning a minimum of _________ continuing education units every _________ years.
- What organization is responsible for accrediting athletic training education programs?
- When did the AMA Council on Medical Education formally recognize athletic training as an allied health profession?
- Describe the current BOC examination format.
- Describe the four continuing education categories as set forth by the BOC and list a specific activity from each category.
- Briefly describe types of athletic training positions that can be created within the public school setting.
Learning Activities
- Go to the NATA website ( Research how to become a certified athletic trainer. Write a brief summary of the process.
- Use the information on the NATA website to write a one-page summary of the organization’s history.
- Research (using the Internet and/or written sources) RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Create a brief PowerPoint presentation to inform others. You should have a minimum of eight slides, including title and bibliography.
- Search online for “Athletic Trainer” jobs. Briefly describe the variety of jobs available.
- Visit the Board of Certification website ( and click on the “Sample Exam Questions” link. Try the practice exam. Were you surprised by what you knew or didn’t know? Did this information increase or decrease your interest in athletic training?
Suggested Readings
Arnheim, D. D., & Prentice, W. E. (2006). Arnheim’s principles of athletic training (12th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Berry, D. C., Miller, M. G., & Berry, L. M. (2011). Athletic & orthopedic injury assessment: A case study approach. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
Berry, D. C., Miller, M. G., & Berry, L. M. (2011). Athletic & orthopedic injury assessment: Case responses and interpretations. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
Pfeiffer, R. P., & Mangus, B. C. (2005). Concepts of athletic training (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.