Chapter 3


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Study Questions

  1. Explain and give examples of several uses of measurement in exercise science.
  2. What is the difference between measurement and evaluation?
  3. Name the four levels of measurement and explain the type of information associated with each.
  4. Define the three primary domains of human experience.
  5. Explain the importance of the concepts of validity, reliability, and objectivity to the measurement specialist.
  6. Give examples of how one might collect evidence for the reliability and validity of the measurement process.
  7. What is the basic premise of statistics? Why is it important to measurement specialists?

Learning Activities

  1. Go to the Genamics Journal Seek website and look at the category for Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science ( Search for articles covering topics from the chapter. Write abstracts (short summaries) for two articles covering two different subjects.
  2. Research via the Internet how measurement is used in exercise science. Write a one- to two-page informative paper. Be sure to include the four levels of measurement.
  3. Get involved with a research study in exercise science by observing, volunteering to help, or volunteering to be a participant. Write a brief report describing the role of the exercise scientist, especially as it concerned measurement.
  4. Interview a current faculty member in exercise science to discover the role of measurement in his or her research projects. Write a brief report, paying special attention to each phase of the study (e.g., planning, data collection, analysis, and discussion).

Suggested Readings

Baumgartner, T. A., Jackson, A. S., Mahar, M. T., & Rowe, D. A. (2006). Measurement for evaluation in physical education and exercise science (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bishop, P. (2008). Measurement and evaluation in physical activity applications. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
Hensley, L. D., & East, W. B. (1989). Testing and grading in the psychomotor domain. In M. J. Safrit & T. M. Ward (Eds.), Measurement concepts in physical education and exercise science, pp. 247–321. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Morrow, J. R., Jackson, A. W., Disch, J. G., & Mood, D. P. (2011). Measurement and evaluation in human performance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
