Chapter 3
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Study Questions
- Explain and give examples of several uses of measurement in exercise science.
- What is the difference between measurement and evaluation?
- Name the four levels of measurement and explain the type of information associated with each.
- Define the three primary domains of human experience.
- Explain the importance of the concepts of validity, reliability, and objectivity to the measurement specialist.
- Give examples of how one might collect evidence for the reliability and validity of the measurement process.
- What is the basic premise of statistics? Why is it important to measurement specialists?
Learning Activities
- Go to the Genamics Journal Seek website and look at the category for Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science ( Search for articles covering topics from the chapter. Write abstracts (short summaries) for two articles covering two different subjects.
- Research via the Internet how measurement is used in exercise science. Write a one- to two-page informative paper. Be sure to include the four levels of measurement.
- Get involved with a research study in exercise science by observing, volunteering to help, or volunteering to be a participant. Write a brief report describing the role of the exercise scientist, especially as it concerned measurement.
- Interview a current faculty member in exercise science to discover the role of measurement in his or her research projects. Write a brief report, paying special attention to each phase of the study (e.g., planning, data collection, analysis, and discussion).
Suggested Readings
Baumgartner, T. A., Jackson, A. S., Mahar, M. T., & Rowe, D. A. (2006). Measurement for evaluation in physical education and exercise science (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bishop, P. (2008). Measurement and evaluation in physical activity applications. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
Hensley, L. D., & East, W. B. (1989). Testing and grading in the psychomotor domain. In M. J. Safrit & T. M. Ward (Eds.), Measurement concepts in physical education and exercise science, pp. 247–321. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Morrow, J. R., Jackson, A. W., Disch, J. G., & Mood, D. P. (2011). Measurement and evaluation in human performance (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.