Hunger, starvation, and malnutrition are endemic in many parts of the world (see Chapter 8). Rapid increases in the world’s population (see Chapter 9) have intensified these problems. Because all the food that we eat comes either directly or indirectly from plants, any attempt to produce adequate food for the world’s growing human population must focus on the production of food by plants. However, the amount of land under cultivation has its geographic limits, and extending these limits carries a very high biological cost in terms of the destruction of natural ecosystems (see Chapter 18). Another way to increase crop production is to increase the yields or the nutrient content of crop species through such techniques as soil improvement, use of fertilizers and advanced irrigation techniques, pest control, and the use of different plants or new genetic strains of plants. In this chapter, we concentrate on food production by plants because that is where most of our food comes from.
Plants are essential to all of life on Earth. In addition to food, plants also provide the oxygen that humans and other organisms breathe. Without plants, most other forms of life would soon die out. Plants are the world’s richest energy source. On a worldwide basis, the amount of energy produced by plants is about 6 × 1017 kilocalories per year (abbreviated kcal/year), which is the equivalent of the energy contained in a sugar cube 5 km (or 3 miles) on each side, but, as the human population continues to increase, we are rapidly outgrowing this energy resource. This chapter discusses how plants make energy available to other organisms and how humans, through application of this knowledge, might learn to grow more crop plants and grow them more efficiently.
Chapter Outline
Animation 17

Selected Videos
- Overview of the reactions of photosynthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWO-bTi6u8M
- Details of the light reactions of photosynthesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnnmmKApT-c
- Details of the Calvin Cycle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2ZTumtpHrs
- Ecosystem roles (autotrophs, heterotrophs, etc.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzzCOEDtiMM
- Plant pigments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VxeqgXa02c
- Travel Deep Inside a Leaf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwymX2LxnQs
- Nitrogen cycle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5EOZenSSB8
- Biomagnification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85I7oPWUuak
- Integrated pest management in a hydroponic farm in Montana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbn_7svSj5E
- Examples of genetically modified crops (pros & cons): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZIYkYNpnP0
- Generating transgenic plants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKwEbvrFwAY
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.N. World Agricultural Information Centre (F.A.O.)
- Carnivorous plants (National Geographic)
- Carnivorous Plants – FAQ
- Galleria Carnivora
- Database: IPM Resources
- U.S.D.A. regional pest management, national I.P.M. Centers
- Bioengineered foods (U.S.D.A.)
- GMO crops (U.S. F.D.A.)
- Global Issues: Genetically Engineered food
- Sierra Club: Genetic Engineering
- GMO crops
Review Questions
THE PURPOSE of these review quizzes is to guide students in where their knowledge and understanding is strong, where it is weak, and where time should best be spent in studying.
- Name at least four types of commercial products derived mostly from plants. Which is by far the most important reason why plants are grown commercially? [HDJ1] [ECM2] How do plants obtain their energy? How do they obtain the building blocks for their organic compounds? Why do plants need multiple pigments? What important molecule is split during the light reactions of photosynthesis, and what by-product is released from this reaction? What molecule is incorporated into plant tissues during the Calvin cycle? (If you cannot explain these things, or if you are not sure, then you need to reread Section 17.1.)
- Why is tissue specialization important in plants? What are the two major kinds of vascular tissue, and how do they differ? How is water transported throughout plants, and what makes it move? How are nutrients supplied to underground parts of plants? (If you cannot explain these things, or if you are not sure, then you need to reread Section 17.2.)
- How does carbon cycle throughout the world’s ecosystems? How does oxygen cycle? How does nitrogen cycle? What types of bacteria help in the nitrogen cycle? How do certain plants (which ones?) maintain symbiotic bacteria, and how do farmers use this knowledge? What is a limiting nutrient? What special adaptations allow certain plants to live in nitrogen-poor habitats? (If you cannot explain these things, or if you are not sure, then you need to reread Section 17.3.)
- How are crop yields increased? What fertilizers are most commonly used? What are some major problems with chemical fertilizers? How can soil be enriched without chemical fertilizers? What is hydroponics? What are some advantages and disadvantages of hydroponics? What is a monoculture, and what are some drawbacks of monoculture? What are some common methods of pest control, and what problems arise with these methods? What does IPM stand for, and what are some of its principles? What is biomagnification? (If you cannot explain these things, or if you are not sure, then you need to reread Section 17.4.)
- How can plant genomes be altered? Explain at least three methods that have been used for this purpose. What are some existing uses of transgenic plants? What is ‘molecular farming’? What are some concerns about the increased use of transgenic plants? (If you cannot explain these things, or if you are not sure, then you need to reread Section 17.5.)
Open Response Study Questions
These questions are designed to assess your understanding of the topics explored in this chapter. You can use these questions in three ways:
Before you start …
Read through the questions before you read the chapter to help prime you to read the text more carefully and strategically. Remember that you are just starting out on your learning journey, so don’t feel disheartened if you don’t know how to answer them yet!
Whilst you read …
As you work through the chapter, have another go at answering the questions to see how you are progressing. You can also answer the questions with the textbook open in front of you, in order to create model answers that can be used to refer back to later.
At the end …
Answer the questions once you have finished reading to see what you have learned. Check your responses against your model answers and use these to identify any gaps in your understanding.
In your own words, define ANY TWO of the following terms:
economic impact level limiting nutrient Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
decomposers drip irrigation hydroponics eutrophication
Answer any two of the following questions. Make sure to answer all parts of any question you choose.
1. Explain Integrated Pest Management, including (A) What is it? (B) Why is it used? (C) What are its major costs and benefits?
2. Explain: (1) why plants need nitrogen; (2) how most plants get their nitrogen; (3) what it means to say that nitrogen is a “limiting nutrient” to a particular crop; (4) at least one unusual adaptation that some plants have evolved to get their nitrogen; and (5) how crop rotation can help supply nitrogen to crops.
3. Explain why vascular plants can grow in many habitats in which nonvascular plants cannot survive.
4. What are some consequences (describe at least two) of the overuse of fertilizers?
PowerPoint Slides
Download Version A (Illustrations only)
Download Version B (Topic outlines also)
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