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Effective strategic writing is more than just good luck and natural talent. Effective strategic writing is the result of a logical process. Because the writing process can seem intimidating (or just plain hard), some writers prefer to rush in and start writing. But that’s like leaving for a Spring Break trip with no destination, no map, no budget—and no hope. Other writers may feel so overwhelmed that they avoid the job until it’s too late for their best work.
Good writing isn’t easy. There’s nothing wrong with you if you find writing to be hard work. You can, however, make that hard work a little easier by following a nine-step writing process. This website will lead you through the process, offering links, examples and other aids for each of the nine steps.
The top three problems the authors of Strategic Writing see in student writing are a lack of research, a lack of strategic (goal-oriented) focus and a lack of polish (too many first drafts with small errors, awkward passages and unhelpful organization). We know that the writing process recommended in this website (and in Section 1C of Strategic Writing) can seem like busywork. It can seem like something that authors write just to fill pages or professors say just to fill class time. If you’re doubtful about the writing process, we ask you to try it before rejecting it. We think the experience will make you a believer—and a better writer.