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Chapter 4

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Flash Cards

Multiple Choice Quiz

Short Essay / Discussion Questions

  1. In Chapter 4, Zeichner and Liston describe classroom life as being drenched with emotions. Think about your most emotionally charged experiences as a student and/or teacher. Specify and briefly explain how your emotions affect(ed) your learning experiences.
  2. Identify and briefly explain the differences between reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action. How might the emotions of the teacher and students affect these two processes?
  3. Antonio Damasio (1995) described the process whereby teachers draw on past experiences and reactions to respond to current classroom situations. As a prospective, new, or more seasoned teacher, describe some ways you can prepare yourself for situations that might arise in a classroom. Depending upon your context, think of your experiences as a student or teacher; what did your teachers or teacher peers do that worked or did not work?
  4. The authors assert that reason and emotion cannot be separated because they are intertwined by our daily interactions. Have you ever seen an emotional teacher “lose it” and yell at his class or a teacher who is detached and lacks any meaningful relationship with her students? Think of experienced teachers you have seen. How did they balance reason with emotion successfully?
  5. Identify and briefly two to three personal teaching metaphors that capture your current perspectives on teaching and learning at the level you either teach in or would like to teach in.

Video Case Studies

Extranormal Video



  1. Think of a few troublesome situations in your classroom. What are they?
  2. Do those same situations occur regularly? How often?
  3. How do you usually respond when those situations happen?
  4. What emotions do you go through? 

Pay attention to your emotions and responses throughout the week?  Were you able to reframe and change the situation or emotions?