Chapter 8: CSR in the Ecological Environment
Links to Further Reading
Dyllick, T., & Hockerts, K. 2002. Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(2): 130-141.
Sustainable business attempts the simultaneous attainment of social, ecological and economic goals. This article breaks this thinking down in different ways by conceptualising – next to economic capital - ‘natural’ and ‘social’ capital, and then develops a set of criteria along which these different forms of capital can be managed by the firm.
Revell, A., Stokes, D. & Chen, H. 2010. Small businesses and the environment: turning over a new leaf?. Business Strategy and the Environment. 19(5): 273–288.
This article develops previous studies on the response of small business to environmental issues where they are often identified as laggards in attending to environmental challenges. The authors find that a high percentage of owner-managers are actively involved in recycling, energy efficiency, responsible buying and selling, and efforts to reduce their carbon emissions. This has resonance with the Stern Review's (2006) conclusions that the benefits of strong early action on climate change outweigh the costs, and that a transition to a low-carbon economy will bring opportunities for business growth.
Links to Practice
CWS 8.1: See the Companion Website for more information on the cradle-to-cradle approach to product design which seeks to upcycle rather than recycle or downcycle.
- (Article) “Full circle: Products that are made with recycling in mind,” this article from the Guardian newspaper, UK outlines a number of new innovations in cradle-to-cradle design:
- (Video) Goodbaby, is a Chinese-based juvenile products company, and this video brings to life the company’s cradle-to-cradle philosophy and goals:
CWS 8.2: See the Companion Website for more information on the causes and impacts of climate change as they relate to business
- The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), is a CEO-led organisation of companies that is tasked with galvanizing the global business community to create a sustainable future for business, society and the environment:
- Friends of the Earth, has developed this factsheet which examines the causes and impacts of climate change relating to the aviation industry:
- (Article) “Should Companies Care if Hurricane Sandy was ‘Caused’ by Climate Change?” this article from the Huffington Post examines the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in the U.S., considering whether businesses should care that the storm may have been caused by climate change:
CWS 8.3: See the Companion Website for links to Interface’s ‘Mission Zero’ commitment and progress to date
- Interface Inc., is the world’s largest designer and manufacturer of carpet tile and its ‘Mission Zero’ commitment details the company’s intention to become the first fully sustainable company:
- (Video) “The Business Case for Sustainability,”this video presents the business case for Sustainability at Interface, as explained by the Founder and former Chairman, Ray Anderson: