The Relapse

Colley Cibber, Love’s Last Shift (1696).
This play introduced Amanda and Loveless, the characters in Vanbrugh’s The Relapse, as well as the popular Sir Novelty Fashion who becomes ennobled in the later play as Lord Foppington.
From The Relapse

Colley Cibber, from the “Dedication” to An Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber: with an Historical View of the Stage During his own Time. Written by Himself.
Ed. B.R.S. Fone. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press, 1968, 3–4
Henry Pelham (1695?–1754) is the gentleman to whom Cibber dedicates his autobiography. Pelham was brother to Cibber’s friend, the Duke and Newcastle and, in 1743, prime minister.
From The Relapse