Chapter 8


Key Terms

Accommodation: changes in an individual’s cognitive organisation designed to deal more effectively with the environment.

Assimilation: using an existing cognitive organisation to deal with a new environmental situation.

Equilibration: responding to cognitive conflicts by using the proceses of accommodation and assimilation to re-establish equilibrium.

Clinical method: an informal question-based approach used to assess children’s understanding of problems.

Centration: the tendency of young children to attend selectively to only certain aspects of a situation.

Conservation: the understanding that some properties of an object (e.g., quantity; number) are conserved or unchanged following physical transformation of that object.

Reversibility: the ability to undo mentally (reverse) some operation previously carried out (e.g., changing an object’s shape).

Egocentrism: a failure to distinguish between one’s own point of view and that of others.

Decentration: the ability to focus on several aspects of a problem at once and make coherent sense of them.

Group: the structure formed from the organisation of various related cognitive processes or operations.

Zone of proximal development: the gap between a child’s current or actual problem-solving ability and his/her potential when provided with suitable guidance.

Microgenetic method: an approach to studying changes in children’s cognitive strategies by means of short-term longitudinal studies.

Theory of mind: the understanding by children and adults that other people may have different beliefs, emotions, and intentions than their own.

Autism: a severe disorder involving very poor communication skills, deficient social and language development, and repetitive behaviour.

Central coherence: the ability to interpret information taking account of the context; the ability to “see the big picture”.


The Jean Piaget Society

Piaget on Piaget: Jean Piaget discusses his ideas

A video showing object permanence

A demonstration of lack of conservation

A video showing a child doing the three mountains task

Lev Vygotsky: A video introducing his life, vocabulary, and concepts

Examples of Vygotsky’s ideas in practice

A useful account of the microgenetic method

A video about the “false belief” test and theory of mind

The National Autistic Society

Eysenck, M.W. (2009). Cognition and development. In M.W. Eysenck (Ed.), A2 level psychology. Major topics in cognitive development are discussed in detail