Spectrogram & related files

Let It Be “1” thru V2 – Mono Spectrogram
Spectrogram of the beginning through the second verse of “Let It Be” (1, 2000); this passage appears in Figure 7.6 and Figure 5.5 as pitch density and timbral balance.

HCtS Moog Gliss Spectrogram
Spectrogram of “Here Comes the Sun” (1969, 1987), of Figure 10.4, Moog glissando sound.

HCtS thru Verse 1 Spectrogram
Spectrogram of “Here Comes the Sun” (1969, 1987), beginning through Verse 1; compare with Figure 10.6, pitch density and timbral balance graph.

HCtS Timbral Balance Graph
Timbral balance graph of “Here Comes the Sun,” complete track. Use for comparison with the spectrogram of the complete track (“4 – HCtS Spectrogram & PDC,” above).