Harmonic Series

Harmonic series in sine waves

The harmonic series in natural tuning is built in sine waves on C2. It is played twice, first with 10 harmonics and then in 17 harmonics. Each series is first arpeggiated, followed by the harmonic series as a chord.

Harmonic series on piano

Harmonic series built on C2, performed on an acoustic piano (in equal temperament). It is played twice, each containing 10 harmonics. The first series is without the sustain pedal depressed, the second with the sustain pedal. Each series is first arpeggiated, followed by the harmonic series as a chord.


Pitch/Frequency Registers

In the following sound files a piano is performing the groups of pitches that form the boundaries between pitch registers.

LOW to LOW-MID Boundary

LOW to LOW-MID pitch register boundary performed 3 times.

LOW-MID to MID Boundary

LOW-MID to MID pitch register boundary performed 3 times.

MID to MID-UPPER Boundary

MID to MID-UPPER pitch register boundary performed 3 times.

MID-UPPER to HIGH Boundary

MID-UPPER to HIGH pitch register boundary performed 3 times.

HIGH to VERY HIGH Boundary

HIGH to VERY HIGH pitch register boundary performed 3 times.


Playback System Testing and Calibration

Setting an appropriate level

Pink noise is played in two 8-second segments. The first segment should be reproduced at a nominal listening level around 85 dB SPL (A-weighted). The second segment is 5 dB higher. See instructions for guidance.

Checking loudness balance between speakers/channels

Pink noise is now directed to individual channels, and should be played at the established nominal level from above. In 5-second segments, pink noise will appear at the left speaker, the right, then center (each speaker equally). This sequence is repeated three times. See instructions for guidance.

Evaluating frequency response

Six 5-second sine tones are presented (1 kHz, 100 Hz, 5 kHz, 500 Hz, 15 kHz, 40 Hz), and should be played at you established nominal level. The tones are at equal SPL. See instructions for guidance.