Sentence Pyramids
1. |
Audio links |
冷 |
cold |
一样冷 |
equally cold |
跟今天一样冷 |
as cold as today |
明天会跟今天一样冷 |
tomorrow it will be as cold as today. |
听说明天会跟今天一样冷。 |
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2. |
Audio links |
下xuě |
it snows |
每天都下xuě |
it snows every day |
这个星期每天都下xuě。 |
This week it is snowing every day. |
3. |
Audio links |
热 |
hot |
又mēn又热 |
both humid and hot |
夏天又mēn又热。 |
It is both humid and hot in the summer |
4. |
Audio links |
早 |
early |
yuè来yuè早 |
earlier and earlier |
热得yuè来yuè早 |
it gets hot earlier and earlier |
夏天热得yuè来yuè早 |
it gets hot in the summer earlier and earlier |
北京的夏天热得yuè来yuè早 |
Beijing summers get hot earlier and earlier |
最近几年北京的夏天热得yuè来yuè早。 |
Recently, Beijing summers have gotten hot earlier and earlier. |
5. |
Audio links |
fēng |
wind |
guā fēng |
windy |
guā 大 fēng |
very windy |
常常guā大fēng |
it is often very windy |
chūn天常常guā大fēng |
it is often very windy in the spring |
北京chūn天常常guā大fēng。 |
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6. |
Audio links |
dù |
degree |
四dù |
four degrees |
零下三、四dù |
three or four degrees below zero |
只有零下三、四dù |
it’s only 3 or 4 degrees below zero |
wēndù只有零下三、四dù |
the temperature is only 3 or 4 degrees below zero |
最高wēndù只有零下三、四dù。 |
The highest temperature is only 3 or 4 degrees below zero. |
7. |
Audio links |
shòu不了 |
can’t stand it |
我快shòu不了了。 |
I just about can’t stand it. |
8. |
Audio links |
不是很好吗 |
isn’t it good? |
下xuě不是很好吗? |
Isn’t snow good? |
9. |
Audio links |
很脏 |
very dirty |
路上很脏 |
the roads are very dirty |
下xuě以后,路上很脏。 |
After it snows, the roads are very dirty. |
10. |
Audio links |
变好 |
become good |
天气会变好 |
the weather will turn good |
后天的天气会变好 |
the day after tomorrow the weather will turn good |
天气yùbào说后天的天气会变好。 |
____________________________ |
11. |
Audio links |
qíng |
clear |
zhuǎn qíng |
turn clear |
多yún zhuǎn qíng |
cloudy turning clear |
天气会变好,多yún zhuǎn qíng。 |
The weather will improve, cloudy turning clear. |
12. |
Audio links |
四jì如chūn |
like spring all year |
那里的天气,四jì如chūn。 |
The weather there, it’s like spring all year. |
13. |
Audio links |
一样 |
the same |
天气都一样 |
the weather is all the same |
一年四个jìjié的天气都一样 。 |
The weather is the same all four seasons of the year. |
14. |
Audio links |
都有 |
have them all |
chūn夏qiū dōng都有 |
has spring, summer, fall, and winter |
一年有四jì,chūn夏qiū dōng都有。 |
________________________ |
15. |
Audio links |
天气好 |
the weather is good |
北京的天气好 |
Beijing’s weather is good |
比北京的天气好 |
better than Beijing’s weather |
我家xiāng的天气比北京的天气好。 |
The weather in my home town is better than Beijing’s weather. |
16. |
Audio links |
关系 |
connection |
有关系 |
has a connection |
跟全球nuǎn化有关系 |
is related to global warming |
这跟全球nuǎn化有关系。 |
_________________________ |
17. |
Audio links |
话题 |
discussion topic |
zhí得关心的话题 |
discussion topic worth caring about |
一个zhí得关心的话题 |
a discussion topic worth caring about |
这是一个zhí得关心的话题。 |
_________________________ |
18. |
Audio links |
穿什么衣服 |
wear what clothing |
管我穿什么衣服 |
care about what clothing I wear |
为什么要管我穿什么衣服 |
why care about what clothing I wear |
我的中文老师为什么要管我穿什么衣服呢? |
______________________________? |
19. |
Audio links |
衣服 |
clothing |
穿衣服 |
wear clothing |
多穿些衣服 |
wear more clothing |
让你多穿些衣服 |
make you put on more clothing |
老师 pà你生病,所以让你多穿些衣服。 |
The teacher is afraid you will become sick so (s/he) makes you put on more clothing. |
20. |
Audio links |
自己 |
self |
照gù自己 |
take care of (my) self |
不会照gù自己吗? |
unable to take care of (my) self? |
难道我还不会照gù自己吗? |
Do you mean to say I am still unable to take care of myself? |
我已经二十多岁了,难道我还不会照gù自己吗? |
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21. |
Audio links |
学习 |
study |
学生的学习 |
students’ studies |
老师关心学生的学习。 |
Teachers are concerned about students’ studies. |
22. |
Audio links |
不同 |
difference; not the same |
中外文化的不同 |
a difference between Chinese and foreign cultures |
这可能是中外文化的不同。 |
This is perhaps a difference between Chinese culture and foreign cultures. |