Using this website
This website is designed to accompany the book Writing for Visual Media, fourth edition.
To access all the material on this website, you may need to download QuickTime Movie Player or Windows Media Player, and also Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download them by clicking on the links below. After downloading them, you will be able to play and read all components of the interactivity.
Shaded and bolded text throughout the printed book indicate that more material can be found on the website related to that passage. To facilitate use of this website, we have organized its navigation to follow the chapter structure of the book. This means that you can click on a chapter number and find the links to all materials which supplement that chapter. Some material occurs more than once in a different context.
You can also explore the interactivity by clicking on themes and topics in the navigation bars. An interactive glossary illustrates common scriptwriting terms with stills and video and audio clips.
Since an interactive work is never really finished, your comments either about things that don't work or that you would like to see added or expanded would be welcome.
Please email the author at anthony.friedmann@gmail.com.