View Exercise1. Introduction
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 1.1 Getting oriented
- 1.2 Getting an overview of this book
- 1.3 Understanding computer architecture
- 1.4 Programming principles
- 1.5 Deciding if a program is needed and whether you should write it
- 1.6 Being as clear as possible about what your program should do
- 1.7 Working incrementally
- 1.8 Being open to negative feedback
- 1.9 Programming with a friend
- 1.10 Writing concise programs
- 1.11 Writing clear programs
- 1.12 Writing correct programs
- 1.13 Understanding how the chapters of this book are organized
- 1.14 Using the website associated with this book
- 1.15 Obtaining and installing MATLAB
- 1.16 Acknowledging limits
2. Interacting With MATLAB
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 2.1 Using MATLAB’s windows
- 2.2 Using the Command window
- 2.3 Writing tiny programs in the Command window
- 2.4 Allowing or suppressing outputs by omitting or including end-of-line semi-colons
- 2.5 Correcting errors in the Command window
- 2.6 Writing, saving, and running larger programs as scripts (.m files)
- 2.7 Running and debugging MATLAB programs
- 2.8 Keeping a diary
- 2.9 Practicing interacting with MATLAB
3. Matrices
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 3.1 Creating matrices
- 3.2 Specifying elements of matrices
- 3.3 Concatenating matrices
- 3.4 Determining the size of matrices
- 3.5 Transposing or reshaping matrices
- 3.6 Creating matrices with short-hand methods
- 3.7 Checking the status of matrices
- 3.8 Clearing and emptying matrices
- 3.9 Practicing with matrices
4. Calculations
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 4.1 Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing values, and raising values to a power
- 4.2 Using built-in functions to compute the square root, remainder, absolute value, logarithms, and exponentiation
- 4.3 Ordering calculations
- 4.4 Generating random numbers
- 4.5 Performing statistical calculations to obtain the sum, mean, standard deviation, variance, minimum, maximum, correlation, and least-squares fit
- 4.6 Performing statistical calculations with missing data
- 4.7 Calculating with matrices
- 4.8 Using matrix algebra
- 4.9 Sorting arrays
- 4.10 Rounding values, and finding their floor and ceiling
- 4.11 Generating magic squares and calendars
- 4.12 Practicing calculations
5. Contingencies
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 5.1 Using the if ... else ... end construct
- 5.2 Using the switch ... case ... end construct
- 5.3 Using the for ... end construct
- 5.4 Using the while ... end construct and escaping from run-away loops
- 5.5 Vectorizing rather than using for ... end
- 5.6 If-ing instantly
- 5.7 If-ing instantly once again and finding indices of satisfying values
- 5.8 Applying contingencies: Constrained random sequences and Latin squares
- 5.9 Practicing contingencies
6. Input-Outputs
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 6.1 Copying and pasting data by hand
- 6.2 Getting input from a user and displaying the result
- 6.3 Pausing
- 6.4 Recording reaction time and other delays with tic ... toc
- 6.5 Formatting numbers for screen outputs
- 6.6 Assigning arrays of literal characters (strings) to variables
- 6.7 Controlling file print formats
- 6.8 Writing data to named files
- 6.9 Writing text to named files
- 6.10 Checking and changing the current directory
- 6.11 Reading data saved as plain text from named files
- 6.12 Reading data from and writing data to Excel spreadsheets
- 6.13 Taking precautions against overwriting files
- 6.14 Saving and loading variables in native MATLAB format
- 6.15 Learning more about input and output
- 6.16 Practicing input-output
7. Data Types
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 7.1 Identifying strings, numbers, and logical values (Booleans)
- 7.2 Converting characters to numbers and vice versa
- 7.3 Creating, accessing, and using cell arrays
- 7.4 Creating and accessing structures
- 7.5 Searching and modifying strings
- 7.6 Applying data types
- 7.7 Practicing data types
8. Modules and Functions
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 8.1 Taking a top-down approach to programming by using modules
- 8.2 Writing and using general-purpose functions
- 8.3 Getting multiple outputs from functions
- 8.4 Passing multiple input arguments to functions
- 8.5 Creating multiple functions in a file
- 8.6 Calling functions properly
- 8.7 Exploiting recursive functions
- 8.8 Drawing on previously defined functions versus creating your own
- 8.9 Bypassing the constraints of functions
- 8.9 Practicing modules and functions
9. Plots
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 9.1 Deciding to plot data and, for starters, plotting a sine function
- 9.2 Controlling axes
- 9.3 Controlling the appearance of plotted points and lines
- 9.4 Having more than one graph per plot and more types of points and lines
- 9.5 Getting and setting properties of plotted points
- 9.6 Adding xlabels, ylabels, and titles
- 9.7 Adding legends
- 9.8 Adding text
- 9.9 Fitting curves
- 9.10 Creating and labeling subplots; turning grids, boxes, and axes on and off
- 9.11 Exploiting matrix assignments to merge subplots
- 9.12 Getting and setting properties of axes
- 9.13 Plotting data points with error bars
- 9.14 Generating polar and compass plots
- 9.15 Generating histograms
- 9.16 Generating bar graphs
- 9.17 Saving, exporting, and printing figures
- 9.18 Generating other kinds of graphs and getting and setting figure properties
- 9.19 Practicing plots
10. Lines, Shapes, and Images
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 10.1 Generating lines
- 10.2 Forming and filling shapes
- 10.3 Loading images
- 10.4 Generating your own images
- 10.5 Clicking in figure windows to add graphics, add text, or record responses
- 10.6 “Stairing”
- 10.7 Generating three-dimensional bar graphs
- 10.8 Plotting in three dimensions
- 10.9 Plotting “above” a meshgrid
- 10.10 Plotting “meshy” data
- 10.11 “Surfing” the “web”
- 10.12 Changing points of view
- 10.13 Generating contours
- 10.14 Checking your understanding of meshgrid-based graphing
- 10.15 Generating rectangular solids
- 10.16 Generating spheres and cylinders
- 10.17 Generating ellipsoids
- 10.18 Practicing plots
11. Animation and Sound
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 11.1 Animating by replacing successive images
- 11.2 Watching comets
- 11.3 Animating by drawing now
- 11.4 Making movies
- 11.5 Saving movies
- 11.6 Reading and running previously saved movies
- 11.7 Playing beeps
- 11.8 Loading and playing sound files
- 11.9 Controlling volume
- 11.10 Staggering or overlapping sounds and delaying sounds
- 11.11 Controlling volume while staggering or overlapping sounds
- 11.12 Creating your own sound files computationally
- 11.13 Writing and reading files for sound
- 11.14 Learning more about sound-related functions
- 11.15 Practicing animation and sounds
12. Enhanced User Interaction
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 12.1 Getting less “clunky”
- 12.2 Creating graphic user interfaces (GUIs)
- 12.3 Using built-in user interface functions
- 12.4 Writing code for user interface functions
- 12.5 Prototyping user interfaces using GUIDE
- 12.6 Recording user interactions
- 12.7 Practicing interfaces and interactions
13. Psychtoolbox
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 13.1 Introducing Psychtoolbox
- 13.2 Installing Psychtoolbox
- 13.3 Writing a simple Psychtoolbox program
- 13.4 Using Psychtoolbox documentation
- 13.5 Changing fonts and font sizes
- 13.6 Adding shapes to a display
- 13.7 Adding textures and images to a display
- 13.8 Displaying stimuli sequentially with precise timing
- 13.9 Collecting keyboard input
- 13.10 Monitoring keyboard input while doing other things
- 13.11 Collecting a response string
- 13.12 Collecting mouse data
- 13.13 Creating an animation with moving dots
- 13.14 Making things transparent
- 13.15 Testing the Simon effect with Psychtoolbox
- 13.16 Exploring Psychtoolbox further
- 13.17 Recovering from Psychtoolbox program crashes and infinite loops
- 13.18 Problems
14. Debugging
This chapter covers the following topics:
- 14.1 Debugging using error messages and breakpoints
- 14.2 Using temporary feedback for debugging
- 14.3 Interpreting error messages
- 14.4 Using graphic output for debugging
- 14.5 Practicing debugging