Code and Output
Code 2.3.1:
>> A = 2
Output 2.3.1:
A =
Code 2.3.2:
>> 2 = A
Output 2.3.2:
??? 2 = A
Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
Code 2.3.3:
>> A
Output 2.3.3:
A =
Code 2.3.4:
>> a
Output 2.3.4:
??? Undefined function or variable 'a'.
Code 2.3.5:
>> a = 3
Output 2.3.5:
>> a =
Code 2.3.6:
>> My_Difference = a - A
Output 2.3.6:
My_Difference =
Code 2.3.7:
>> for = 4
Output 2.3.7:
??? for = 4;
Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
Code 2.3.8:
>> a + A
Output 2.3.8:
ans =
Code 2.3.9:
>> ans
Output 2.3.9:
ans =
Code 2.4.1:
>> My_Difference;
Output 2.4.1:
Code 2.4.2:
>> My_Difference_2 = A - My_Difference;
Output 2.4.2:
Code 2.4.3:
>> My_Difference_2
Output 2.4.3:
My_Difference_2 =
Code 2.5.1:
>> A = 5;
>> B = 3;
>> C = A + B; %Oops! no output
Output 2.5.1:
Code 2.5.2:
>> C = A + B %restored by one up-arrow, then ';' deleted
Output 2.5.2:
C =
Code 2.5.3:
>> A = 15; %restored by 4 up-arrows, then 5 changed to 15
>> B = 13; %restored by 4 up-arrows, then 3 changed to 13
>> C = A + B %Short cut! restored by typing C then one up-arrow
Output 2.5.3:
C =
Code 2.6.1:
% My_Program_01
% A program to add two numbers called X and Y.
X = 10;
Y = 12;
Z = X + Y
Output 2.6.1:
Z =
Code 2.6.2:
% Continuation_Illustration
Method_1_Score_1 = 899;
Method_2_Score_1 = 1286;
Method_1_Score_2 = 1018;
Method_2_Score_2 = 1344;
Method_1_Score_3 = 1167;
Method_2_Score_3 = 1389;
Summed_Differences_Between_Method_2_and_Method_1_Scores = ...
Method_2_Score_1 - Method_1_Score_1...
+ Method_2_Score_2 - Method_1_Score_2...
+ Method_2_Score_3 - Method_1_Score_3
Output 2.6.2:
Summed_Differences_Between_Method_2_and_Method_1_Scores =
Code 2.8.1:
% My_Program_3
a = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;
b = 1 + 4 + 9 + 16;
disp('The sum and sum of squares of the four integers is:')
diary off
Output 2.8.1:
The sum and sum of squares of the four integers is:
Code 2.8.2:
>> type My_Program_3_diary.txt
Output 2.8.2:
The sum and sum of squares of the four integers is:
Problem 2.9.9:
% My_Program_03
b = a + 1
c = = b - 2
d b x c
e = b divided by c
% Solutions_Chapter_02
% Solutions for selected problems from MATLAB for Behavioral Scientists,
% Second Edition (D. A. Rosenbaum, J. Vaughan, & B. Wyble),
% (c) 2015, Taylor & Francis
% To generate the solution for one problem, copy and run the code for that
% problem in a file or paste it into the Command window. Show the Command
% window to see the results.
% To generate sll the solutions for Chapter 2, save this code as a
% MATLAB script file and run the program.
% Problem 2.9.1
% Open MATLAB's Command window and get today's date.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.1')
% Problem 2.9.2
% In MATLAB's Command window, get this month's calendar.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.2')
fprintf('Solution left to the student.\n\n');
% Problem 2.9.3
% Next, look at the calendar for a year ago this month. Hint: Although
% nothing you have read in this chapter tells you directly how to do this,
% there was mention of help.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.3')
help calendar
calendar(2013,9) % A year prior to September 2014
% Problem 2.9.4
% Find out what time it is using MATLAB by getting help about clock. If
% you first execute the command format bank, the output of clock will be
% most readable.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.4')
fprintf('Solution left to the student.\n\n');
% Problem 2.9.5
% In the command window, add 2 + 2 and then observe the value of ans
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.5')
2 + 2
% Problem 2.9.6
% In the command window, get the result of adding 4 to ans. Looking at
% the new answer, what does this tell you about MATLAB's 'willingness'
% to redefine values?
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.6')
fprintf('Solution left to the student.\n\n');
% Problem 2.9.7
% Use the editor to write and then save a short program called
% My_Program_01 which assigns 1 to w. Run the program so the value of w
% displays in the Command window.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.7')
% My_Program_01.m
w = 1
% Problem 2.9.8
% Save My_Program_01.m as My_Program_02.m and expand it so that after w
% gets 1, x gets w + 1, and then y gets x - 2. Add another one-line command
% that immediately brings up the command window.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.8')
fprintf('Solution left to the student.\n\n');
% Problem 2.9.9
% Debug My_Program_03 so b gets the sum of a and 3, c gets b - 2, d gets
% the product of b and c, and e gets b divided by c.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.9')
% My_Program_03_before
% a
% b = a + 1
% c = = b - 2
% d b x c
% e = b divided by c
% My_Program_03_after
a = 0;
b = a + 3;
c = b - 2;
d = b * c;
e = b / c
% Problem 2.9.10
% Write a program called My_Program_04 in which Code 2.6.2 is expanded so
% there is a Method_1_Score_4 which gets 1267 and a Method_2_Score_4 which
% gets 1289 and all scores used in method 1 and 2 are subtracted in the way
% already established. Use disp to generate labeled output.
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.10')
% My_Program_04
Method_1_Score_1 = 899;
Method_2_Score_1 = 1286;
Method_1_Score_2 = 1018;
Method_2_Score_2 = 1344;
Method_1_Score_3 = 1267;
Method_2_Score_3 = 1389;
Method_1_Score_4 = 1167;
Method_2_Score_4 = 1289;
Summed_Differences_Between_Method_2_and_Method_1_Scores = ...
Method_2_Score_1 - Method_1_Score_1...
+ Method_2_Score_2 - Method_1_Score_2...
+ Method_2_Score_3 - Method_1_Score_3...
+ Method_2_Score_4 - Method_1_Score_4;
disp('Sum of differences between Method 2 and Method 1')
% Problem 2.9.11
% What information do you learn from executing the VER command?
fprintf('\n\n %s\n\n','Output 2.9.11')
fprintf('Solution left to the student.\n\n');
Output 2.9.1
ans =
Output 2.9.2
Solution left to the student.
Output 2.9.3
CALENDAR Calendar.
matrix containing a calendar for the current or specified month.
The first column of the returned matrix corresponds to Sunday.
See also DATENUM.
Reference page in Help browser
doc calendar
Sep 2013
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Output 2.9.4
Solution left to the student.
Output 2.9.5
ans =
Output 2.9.6
Solution left to the student.
Output 2.9.7
w =
Output 2.9.8
Solution left to the student.
Output 2.9.9
e =
Output 2.9.10
Sum of differences between Method 2 and Method 1
Output 2.9.11
Solution left to the student.