Welcome to Routledge Eye On Education’s website for all books, resources and content by Todd Whitaker! Whether you are a teacher—a seasoned one or just starting your first year—a principal, a school board member, an administrator, or a district leader, there is something for you here. Take a look around and find a PD resource that’s right for you.
Todd Whitaker

Todd Whitaker (@toddwhitaker) is a professor of educational leadership at the University of Missouri. He is a leading presenter in the field of education and has written more than 50 books including the national bestsellers What Great Teachers Do Differently and Your First Year: How to Survive and Thrive as a New Teacher, co-written with Madeline Whitaker Good and Katherine Whitaker.
Reviews and Testimonials
Your First Year: How to Survive and Thrive as a New Teacher is designed to bring out the best in new teachers. It is a great combination of practical application and research-based practices that goes beyond the typical classroom set-up and procedures by exploring how to troubleshoot when things don't go as planned. As a principal, I would want my new teachers to read this book to guide them on their first year of teaching. With the Whitakers' book to guide them, new teachers will be primed for a successful school year, and students will be the winners.
- Jayne Ellspermann, Principal of West Port High School, Ocala, Florida and President, National Association of Secondary School Principals (2016-2017)
Danny Steele and Todd Whitaker are common-sense voices in education that we all keep coming back to time and again for inspiration and validation that that our work is both important and challenging. For first-year teachers as well as veteran educators, the complexity of our work and all the broken promises of quick fixes can become frustrating and overwhelming. Essential Truths for Teachers promises to ground us in our ‘why,’ and—amidst so much noise—reminds us of the real work that is at the core of our craft.
– Amy Fast, Assistant Principal, McMinnville High School, OR
Essential Truths for Principals is the book I've been waiting for from Danny and Todd. It's been a few years since I was last a Principal, and reading this book makes me want to go back and lead a school. Read this book, buy one for a friend and share the magic, your mindset and goals will be supercharged for sure!
— Adam Welcome, Director of Edu Partnerships, CA