Series & Books
Series: Living Confidently with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs)
About the series
You only have one mind-brain to use, whether learning, working or simply living.
If that mind-brain contains dyslexia/ SpLD, the effects can impact on the whole of life.
Dyslexic/ SpLD people will have interactions with people from all walks of life, not just teachers and support tutors: shop keepers; sports trainers; hospitality personnel; professional people - bank managers, lawyers, doctors, HR personnel; work colleagues; family, friends and acquaintances.
The authors are both dyslexic, though differently so. They have considerable experience of supporting dyslexic/ SpLD students, covering both university and school students.
This series was born out of their wish:
- to show the wide-range of impacts of dyslexia/ SpLD
- to help dyslexic/ SpLD people recognise effects beyond reading and writing
- to indicate how society as a whole can benefit by better understanding of the issues.
The ultimate goal is that dyslexic/ SpLD adults will contribute their insights into these syndromes so that all teaching shifts to accommodate dyslexia/ SpLD naturally within mainstream educations, with the recognition that that the teaching and policies that are VITAL for dyslexic/ SpLD learners are also good practice for all.
CloseContext of each book
Finding Your Voice with Dyslexia and other SpLDs - Book 1
This book is intended to help people realise how they think well. It also has a lot of information about techniques to get your mind working well and how to keep it doing so.
Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs – Book 2
This book deals with the wide spread effects of dyslexia into all of life; the recognition then allows people to get on top of the effects and gain confidence.
Gaining Knowledge and Skills with Dyslexia and other SpLDs – Book 3
This book has the skills that dyslexic/ SpLD people need in order to learn and communicate; how the skills need to be imparted to dyslexic/ SpLD people.
The hope is also that people alongside will help a dyslexic/ SpLD person find the best route for themselves.
Development of Dyslexia and other SpLDs –Book 4
This book is intended to help people realise how and why dyslexia/ SpLD keeps coming back.
The hope to take the sting and the hurt out, so that the way forward of book 1 can flourish.
ClosePhilosophy of the series
The philosophy of this series of books is that we, dyslexic/ SpLD people, can work out how our minds work, we can direct our thinking so that it is as effective as possible and we can enjoy contributing to the situations that we find ourselves in:
- we can maximise our potential
- we can minimise the effects of our dyslexia/ SpLD.
Dyslexia/ SpLD is not seen as a static phenomenon, like short-sightedness that only slowly changes with time.
The experience of dyslexia/ SpLD varies from person to person and for one person from time to time.
When recognised early in a child’s development, the problems do not need to develop.
The learning and teaching that is VITAL for dyslexic/ SpLDs is also good practice for everyone.
CloseSpLDs covered
As an umbrella term, SpLD means that:
- there is some area of processing that a person’s mind does not carry out as well as would be expected from their general achievements
- there are other areas of processing that the person can carry out significantly better.
Since only some areas are affected, the profile of attainment seen from diagnostic testing shows a ‘spiky profile’ with highs as well as lows.
The four SpLDs covered by the series, and the core of the problems, are
dyslexia learning processes
in aspects of literacy
dyspraxia impairment or
immaturity of movement
dyscalculia learning
difficulty with basic aspects of arithmetic
attention deficit disorder problems with attention
span and impulsivity
(with or without hyperactivity) (with or without
There are basic difficulties with learning some skills experienced by children or beginning learners. There are advanced difficulties with learning and using skills experienced by adults, and from teenager years onwards.
There is so much overlap between the different SpLDs, that for most of the books no distinction is made between them.
The phrase ‘dyslexia/ SpLD’ is generally used because dyslexia is the most widely known and researched of the four, but it is important to keep all four in mind.
CloseEasy reading: dipping-in and out
Solid reading, from beginning to end, is not necessary with these books.
The layout has been created to help dyslexic/ SpLD people.
Many readers will benefit from moving around a book.
Coloured boxes are used to indicate stories, insights, examples, tips, and exercises in all books.
Summaries and key points are picked out in two of the books.
Every chapter has suggestions as to how to dip-in to find whatever is most relevant to the reader.
The general suggestions are:
- To read the coloured boxes in the Useful Preface
- Read the coloured boxes throughout the book and see what takes your interest.
- Use the Index to find topics that interest you.
- Use Dipping-in to Try Out Ideas, §1, in each chapter to find the most important topics.
- Randomly move through the book to find what takes your interest.
- Use the Exercise: Initial Purpose for Reading to create your own list of what you want to read first.
Finding Your Voice with Dyslexia and other SpLDs: Book 1
About the book
About the book (Finding Your Voice with Dyslexia and other SpLDs)
This book is intended to help people realise how they think well. It also has a lot of information about techniques to get your mind working well and how to keep it doing so.
daisy represents growth
Insight: What to expect from this book
The book is not like a travel book: it doesn’t tell you where to go, although it contains many suggestions.
It is more like a book telling you how to read maps and how to read the environment that you find yourself in.
So it’s a book about finding your best ways to be, think and do.
Insight: How you function
You can get to know what helps you to function as a person by:
- understanding how you think,
- knowing what you can do to keep your thinking clear,
- knowing how you can contribute to any situation in which you find yourself.
You gain self‑esteem; you gain confidence to tackle what life (study, employment, general living) brings you; you find out how to negotiate with those around you so that life flows more satisfactorily both for you and them:
You Find Your Voice.
Once you have found your ‘voice’ the adventure of living life to the full can be undertaken with a different integrity.
Summary of the chapters
Chapter 1 Living Confidently
Living Confidently as a dyslexic/ SpLD person often involves using thinking preferences (or unorthodox thinking) either unconsciously or consciously. When used consciously, there is the possibility to maximise your potential and minimise the effects of your dyslexia/ SpLD. A personal, individual profile of dyslexia/ SpLD is set out with four distinct elements. The chapter discusses different reasons for observing thinking with an open mind and ways in which it can be done. The process of building an individual profile is discussed. The chapter sets out a process for managing dyslexia/ SpLD. It ends with a summary of your individual profile and your personal regime for managing dyslexia/ SpLD.
Chapter 2 About the Mind
This chapter discusses some aspects of the brain and mind from physiology and psychology that are useful to know about in dealing with dyslexia/ SpLD.
Chapter 3 Using the Mind
The chapter discusses the purposes we have for using our minds and some techniques for using them better. The section on Systematic Reviews is a method for exploring thinking preferences and developing them for individuals. Contributions from the faculty of knowing, cognition, are discussed. A model for learning concludes the chapter.
Chapter 4 Thinking Preferences
This chapter describes the thinking preferences that I have found useful while working with dyslexic/ SpLD people. It gives illustrations of strategies. It has stories and examples of how the strategies have been used. It describes some ways in which thinking can be unclear because a thinking preference is not used well.
Chapter 5 Thinking Clearly
The chapter discusses the interplay between different levels of being: mind, body and psyche (or spirit); and how work at both the physical and psychological levels can improve the clarity of thinking. Stories are told to help you relate to the ideas. Exercises and guidelines are given to help you maintain clear thinking.
‘What an amazing book! Ginny Stacey has been extraordinarily productive during lockdown with her series of 4 books. Here we have everything you could possibly need to find your voice as a dyslexic/ SpLD; impeccably organised in a series of mind maps and boxes to dip into. My dyslexic husband loved the plan!’
- Angela Fawcett, Swansea University, UK
‘Understanding the impact that dyslexia/ SpLD has on our lives is an incredibly challenging undertaking which is wonderfully executed by Stacey and Fowler. They go beyond this by providing an intuitive guide for dyslexic individuals to help across all aspects of our lives, be it in everyday life or when applied to academic study. The design of the book enables any reader to choose their own path through the book with exercises, strategies, and suggestions helping facilitate understanding of how dyslexia and SpLDs affect us all.’
- Thomas Hird, PhD candidate in Physics at University College London and Oxford University, and former SpLD student of Ginny Stacey, UK
‘ “Know yourself” – that’s the key message from this book. Images, both visual and written, analogies from maps to gardening, ‘insights’ and movement ideas are used to understand dyslexia and other SpLDs. The layout helps us: clear font; text boxes; short blocks of text; mind maps; use of colour; glossary notes and clear routes or ‘pathways’ through the different chapters which can be individualised. Lots of ideas here, so this book will help both dyslexic individuals and anyone who comes into contact with them – that is, all of us!’
– Sally Daunt, SpLD support tutor, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, UK
Close‘Finding Your Voice with Dyslexia and other SpLDs is practical, personal and positive about dyslexic strengths, as well as providing ways to overcome the pitfalls. It offers a valuable balance of ideas, anecdotes and theory to enable the reader to work out the best ways to use their own individual thinking patterns. It has given me new insights into strategies to help my dyslexic students and I will be referring to it whenever I need inspiration in my teaching.’
– Alex Brown, Specialist SpLD Support Tutor & Dyslexia Assessor, Member of Oxford SpLD Tutor Group, UK
Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs: Book 2
About the book
About the book (Organisation and Everyday Life with Dyslexia and other SpLDs)
This book deals with the wide spread effects of dyslexia into all of life; the recognition then allows people to get on top of the effects and gain confidence.
chime music represents life flowing well when
suits the individual concerned.
Insight: What to expect from this book
Stories, insights and descriptions of everyday life that prompt you to recognise the ways your dyslexia/ SpLD has an impact on your own life.
We all have different experiences, so your precise situation may not be included;
but how to explore what happens for you is at the heart of the book.
Taking charge of your dyslexia/ SpLD is a challenge you can accept, with the aim of minimising any disruptive effects and accentuating all the positive contributions you can make to anything you engage in.
Insight: How you function
Dyslexia/ SpLD can hamper people in their everyday life, study or employment.
Recognising the effects and managing them is possible and rewarding.
To be organised is not promoted as a desirable end, rather organisation is seen as a tool to use to put your dyslexia/ SpLD in its place so that:
You Are Free To Be At Your Best
Summary of the chapters
Chapter 1 Organisation
The chapter has examples to show how organisation is often a problem for dyslexic/ SpLD people. There is a general model for developing organisation, with detailed steps for using it and a check-list. The model is applied to general problem solving. It is noted that a problem you are facing may be caused by something else, so the model is also adapted for finding the root cause of the problem you are trying to deal with.
Chapter 2 Time and Time Management
The chapter discusses the problems with time and time management that are often encountered by dyslexic/ SpLD people. The sources can be a lack of time sense or that time words go wrong. There are suggestions for finding the solutions that suit you, including letting go of time.
Chapter 3 Space, Place and Direction
Space, place and direction also cause problems for dyslexic/ SpLD people, and specifically for dyspraxic people. Again, the source can be a lack of the right senses or that words go wrong. There are suggestions for finding your solutions.
Chapter 4 Everyday Life
Dyslexia/ SpLD affects everyday life, though this is not always recognised. The chapter looks at many different aspects of everyday life and what you can do to minimise the effects of your dyslexia/ SpLD.
Chapter 5 Study Peripherals
You have to deal with many different systems in order to study. This chapter looks at these peripheral systems and what you can do to organise the details so that you have more time and energy for the study itself. It discusses choices made on a course. There are two worked examples in the chapter, Navigating the Course Structure and Exam Provisions. Both are annotated so that they can be applied to other situations.
Chapter 6 Employment
Employment builds on everyday life and study. The chapter applies the work of the rest of the book to issues that can occur in employment. The importance of making the right choices is highlighted. Navigating Employment Structures shows you how to make changes to the worked example Navigating the Course Structure so that it applies to employment. It is especially recognised that getting on with other people is very important during employment. Ways in which misunderstandings can occur are discussed with ideas of how to resolve them.
‘In this outstanding and unique new book, Ginny Stacey and Sally Fowler provide a wealth of tips and techniques, acquired over many years of living with dyslexia and working with people who have it, that can help dyslexics function more efficiently in their daily lives. Written by dyslexics for dyslexics, the book is organised and presented in a way that cleverly considers the different ways dyslexics process and assimilate information, acknowledging that there is not a “one-fits-all” approach to dealing with dyslexia. Central to their approach to coping with dyslexia is the notion of “metacognition”, of reflecting on your own style of thinking to understand how dyslexia uniquely affects you, and what coping strategies and techniques work for you. Accordingly, by the time you have finished the book, you will not only have become more organised, productive and content with living with dyslexia; you will also be an expert on your unique style of thinking. Whether you are a student or a professional, I cannot recommend this book enough.’
- James Tierney, LLB, BCL, LPC, Solicitor and a former student of Stacey
‘This book is packed with colour, shapes, mind maps, boxes and different “routes” through the material. Like everything in it, these provide excellent approaches for everyone whether individuals with an SpLD or not. It is possible to pick and choose what works for any one person, and key concepts run throughout the material strengthening the supportive approach. Similarly, these ingredients in the book are hugely helpful: lots of real examples, tips, models, resources and stories, as well as lots of headings, questions, alternatives, key concepts, solutions, insights, benefits, options and further references. A real gem, full of strategies.’
– Sally Daunt, SpLD Tutor, Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, UK
Close‘This was an engaging read. I found the real-life examples in support of the observations and solutions particularly interesting as they bought the wider theory to life. This book offers numerous highly practical life strategies for dyslexics, but I also think that it has a broader application as many of the challenges described will be familiar to readers whether they perceive themselves to be dyslexic or not. Overall, I went away very impressed by the attention to detail, accessible style and reassuring tone.’
– Dr James Fowler, Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK
Gaining Knowledge and Skills with Dyslexia and other SpLDs: Book 3
About the book
About the book (Gaining Knowledge and Skills with Dyslexia and other SpLDs)
This book has the skills that dyslexic/ SpLD people need in order to learn and communicate; how the skills need to be imparted to dyslexic/ SpLD people.
My hope is also that people alongside will help a dyslexic/ SpLD person find the best route for themselves.
fisherman recalls the saying:
‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day;
teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’
Insight: What to expect from this book
A comprehensive discussion, with stories and suggestions, of how to enable dyslexic/ SpLD people:
- to gain knowledge and skills
- to maximise their individual potential
- to minimise the effects of their dyslexia/ SpLD.
The book covers teaching, dialogue and production of indirect materials as channels through which dyslexic/ SpLD people gain knowledge and skills.
The book includes education, employment and everyday life since dyslexia/ SpLD affects all areas of life. The dyslexic/ SpLD people you enable or encounter may be:
- your students
- your clients and customers
- your friends or family members
- your work colleagues or fellow hobbyists
- people for whom you make policies or programmes
- people for whom you produce materials
- people on behalf of whom you campaign
- people with whom you have one-off conversations.
Insight: How you function
One client came to talk over how she deals with her dyslexia.
She was clear about her problems and the ways she deals with them in practical terms, but she didn’t have an overview of how her strategies fitted together and how to adapt to new situations.
At the end she told me, “It’s great to be understood. Not to keep explaining yourself. To move on and find solutions.”
Knowing How To Find Solutions
Leads To
Confident Dyslexic/ SpLD People.
Summary of the chapters
Chapter 1 Imparting Knowledge and Skills
The first part of the chapter deals with issues about individual dyslexic/ SpLD people that may need to be taken into account when imparting knowledge and skills to them. It then divides imparting knowledge and skills into: teaching, dialogue and indirect communication. It includes typical roles of people involved; what can go wrong when the impacts of dyslexia/ SpLD are ignored; and what changes can be made so that dyslexic/ SpLD people can gain knowledge and skills with minimum disruption from their individual dyslexia/ SpLD.
Chapter 2 Foundations for Knowledge and Skills
This chapter deals with basic elements of learning and dealing with information. It includes: where to start working with them; techniques for using the mind; comprehension; recognising goals; and planning.
Chapter 3 Guidance for Non-Linear Readers
Chapters 4 – 14 are practical discussions about helping dyslexic/ SpLD people. The guidance for non-linear readers, Dipping-in To Try Out Ideas, would be identical in all the chapters, so it has been put together in this chapter; it is a pattern for efficiently finding the information you want from any material. Individual chapters list important sections to read or scan.
Input Modes: Chapter 4 Reading Chapter 5 Listening Chapter 6 Doing
Chapter 4: Reading includes: reading mechanisms, with a section about reading electronic devices; reading effectiveness improved by pleasure in reading or a high level of interest; preparation; strategies; problems and proof-reading.
Chapter 5: Listening is covered in terms of experiences, preparation and strategies.
Chapter 6: Doing, as a mode of learning, is covered in terms of different attitudes (liking or disliking), preparation, strategies and problems.
Chapter 7 Taking and Making Notes
Taking notes is important for immediately capturing information; making them is for longer-term uses. The chapter discusses the processes involved; the uses of notes; and keeping them. It ends with examples of a wide range of styles for notes.
Output modes: Chapter 8 Writing Chapter 9 Talking Chapter 10 Taking-Action
The chapters include: Chapter 8: Writing: fluency; different forms of writing; proof-reading and language.
Chapter 9: Talking: fluency; preparation; consideration of listeners; the environment; structure and discussion.
Chapter 10: Taking-action to use knowledge and skills: review of processes involved; no stopping point; major projects; and applying and adapting skills.
Situations: Chapter 11 Exams Chapter 12 Group Work: Meetings, Seminars and Debates Chapter 13 Driving Chapter 14 Social Examples: travel, job application, eating out and finances
These chapters look at the various situations in terms of applying knowledge and skills to deal with them. Group Work, Chapter 12, is set out in a way that can be readily adapted to many other situations.
‘Great! This is a book for dyslexic/SpLD people about strategies for gaining knowledge (input, storage), and about accessing and demonstrating knowledge (recall, output). The book allows you to navigate the content in your own way and be rewarded with personally relevant information. It encourages you to develop your “tool bag for living confidently”. Exploring the useful preface and glossary guides you around the content of this book and links you to others in the series. I have been using techniques Ginny taught me for many years.’
- Dr Mary Eld, former SpLD student of Ginny Stacey, UK
‘Having dyslexia/SpLD means thinking, learning and doing things differently. This is exemplified skilfully by the layout of the book. It both appeals to different reading styles and shows others that these styles exist. An expert, Ginny gives information, examples and explanations that are essential for anyone working to enable and support a dyslexic/SpLD individual. It is a comprehensive and practical guide, with skills and strategies that transfer to several contexts (studying, the workplace and everyday life).’
- Henrietta Court MSc; OCR Dip SpLD; TPC (PATOSS), Adult Dyslexia/SpLD specialist, UK
‘Ginny’s zen-like understanding of the workings of the human mind has been laid bare in this book, which helped me to achieve far higher than I ever thought was possible in my studies.’
– William Darby, MEng, MSC, former student of Ginny Stacey
Close‘I’ve often thought that publishing books to help dyslexic people is a bit of a paradox – that is until I read Ginny’s book. Here at last is information that allows for the diversity of its readership’s reading preferences; there’s meaningful use of colour, chunked text, clearly isolated tips and insights, etc. Possibly best of all, there’s an opportunity to guide one’s personal reading interest at will so that interesting bits that appeal individually can be got at without a lot of bother. Awesome! Ginny advises that neurodiverse learners will benefit from “being careful, particularly at the beginning of something new” and this holds true for this book. Take time to orientate yourself in its Preface to learn how the book is set out and then dip in where your fancy takes you. The advice the book offers is based on years of experience and insightful expertise. Ginny is right to thank all her students; working through this book, her readers will thank her back tenfold.’
– Tanya Zybutz, Dyslexia Co-ordinator, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, UK
Development of Dyslexia and other SpLDs: Book 4
About the book
About the book (Development of Dyslexia and other SpLDs)
This book is intended to help people realise how and why dyslexia/ SpLD keeps coming back.
I want to take the sting and the hurt out, so that the way forward of book 1 can flourish.
The cover image represents changing:
‘That’s the way the cookie
‘It’s a piece of cake.’
Insight: What to expect from this book
Understanding of the persistence and variability of dyslexia/ SpLD.
Some insights into the different dyslexic/ SpLD experiences of adulthood and childhood.
Recognition that early intervention is effective for teachers and parents, the individual person, and society as a whole: that a new paradigm can be to the benefit of all.
Insight: How you function
Over a period of weeks, I noticed one person using many of the creative strategies of dyslexic people. I asked if she were dyslexic. “Not really. My mother is a dyslexic tutor. She saw my problems early and taught me strategies. Now I have a few wobbly spellings and lots of ways of working.”
The ‘At Risk’ Child Can Avoid
Many Of The Problems.
Summary of the chapters
Chapter 1 No Cure, Please Start Early
This chapter uses ideas from physiology and psychology to discuss ways in which dyslexia/ SpLD do not go away after someone has learnt correct skills or knowledge. Times when the effects of dyslexia/ SpLD becoming problematic are regarded as pitfalls, opportunities for error. The chapter looks at ways to deal with pitfalls and to reduce the stress they cause. The underlying theme is that there is no cure for dyslexia/ SpLD but that by appropriate, early learning many of the problems of dyslexia/ SpLD can be avoided.
Chapter 2 What Goes Wrong
This chapter discusses the observed behaviours that come from the four most recognised SpLDs. It compares the experiences of adults and children. It looks at: disability issues; the variety of experiences of different people with SpLDs; the different experiences of non‑SpLD people. It discusses the benefits of recognising the problems so that something can be done to alleviate them. It ends with a list of all the stories in the book, grouped according to the key element in the each story.
Chapter 3 Adaptations for Children
Many of the ideas in the series are relevant to younger children and to teenagers and adults who are still learning the basic skills of language and numeracy. This chapter discusses the ideas in terms of 1) deciding whether a dyslexic/ SpLD problem exists for a child; 2) teaching an individual pupil; and 3) catering for dyslexic/ SpLD children within classroom teaching. Underlying principles are that dealing with any problems while they are small, keeps them in check; that most of the necessary teaching is good for all pupils; that it is much better for the teacher; and that it minimises the resources used solely for dyslexic/ SpLD children.
Chapter 4 A New Paradigm
The aim of the chapter is to relate the ideas in this series to recent research into dyslexia/ SpLD and show how they could add a new dimension. The chapter starts with a story illustrating misinterpretation of results of psychological testing when the thinking processes used are ignored. It gives the reasons for the philosophy of this series and summarises the methodology of the series. It discusses a literature survey which investigated the use of 5 topics in research papers; the themes were: cognitive profiles, skills, confidence, overlap of SpLDs and model for SpLD. This chapter is also relevant to the assessment process.
A new paradigm emerged from the literature survey. In this paradigm, individual experiences and differences are an important component and averaging over these differences is avoided. The new paradigm is looking for a process of discovering how people think well and how they make progress rather than focusing on what goes wrong.
‘Development of Dyslexia and other SpLDs is an excellent read. From a personal perspective, it provided important context to my experience as someone with dyspraxia; I found it fascinating to learn about both the commonalities and variability associated with SpLD. Stacey and Fowler’s work is thorough and well evidenced, yet they manage to maintain a remarkable levity in their writing. Some of the anecdotes had me laughing out loud! I would recommend this book to teachers, parents and anyone else who is interested in understanding SpLD.’
- Archie F. A. Bott, DPhil in Atomic and Laser Physics, University of Oxford, and former SpLD student of Ginny Stacey
‘This book is a treasure trove containing wisdom, based on personal experience of Stacey’s many years work with people who have dyslexia and supported by relevant and current research. She acknowledges that people with dyslexia come in many varieties and she helps them and their tutors uncover the complexities of their learning systems through effective listening, questioning and suggestions of accommodations that might help. The layout of the book invites interaction and reflection to enhance learning and has excellent visuals to suit the dyslexic mind. A book to dip into, essential for tutors and people with dyslexia alike.’
- Bernadette McLean, Independent Dyslexia Consultant, Former Principal of Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre
‘This is an insightful and accessible read filled with useful information and practical strategies to support individuals. It is supported by reference to research and evidence, along with reflections from the authors’ own experiences, that come together to provide a very helpful resource. The contents have been broken down into key areas meaning this book can be dipped into for particular issues or used in its entirety. A useful publication for those with an interest in Dyslexia and SpLDs be they a parent, teacher or other support provider.’
– Helen Boden, CEO British Dyslexia Association
Close‘This book will be invaluable for assessors and teachers wishing to broaden and enhance their understanding of dyslexia and other Specific Learning Difficulties. Stacey and Fowler bring insights from their own and their students’ individual experience of dyslexia/SpLD, together with research and theory, to examine the many different impacts and pitfalls of dyslexia. All of us who work in this field will benefit from Stacey’s new paradigm for a positive, holistic approach to SpLDs.’
– Alex Brown, Specialist SpLD Support Tutor and Dyslexia Assessor, Member of Oxford SpLD Tutor Group