

Liberty or Death Speech: Henry’s most famous speech was delivered on March 23, 1775 at the Second Virginia Convention meeting at St. John’s Church in Richmond Virginia. The precise text of the speech was not recorded, and there has been considerable controversy whether the version passed down through history reflects what Henry actually said. See Appendix. This link is to an audio file of Richard Schumann, of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, performing the speech as recorded by William Wirt in his early biography of Henry.


  1. Red Hill Patrick Henry National Memorial: 
  2. http://www.redhill.org/

  3. Library of Congress: Biographies of Members of Congress: Patrick Henry: 
  4. http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=H000511

  5. Colonial Williamsburg: 
  6. http://www.history.org/Almanack/people/bios/biohen.cfm

  7. St. John's Church Foundation: 
  8. http://historicstjohnschurch.org/

  9. The Papers of Patrick Henry, Cornell University Library
  10. https://archive.org/details/cu31924029641309