Documents 1 and 2
Two scholars provide disparate perspectives on Wilder’s Kansas years and controversial legacy.
Frances W. Kaye, “Little Squatter on the Osage Diminished Reserve: Reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Kansas Indians,” Great Plains Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 2 (Spring 2000).
Penny T. Linsenmayer, "Kansas Settlers on the Osage Diminished Reserve: A Study of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie,” Kansas History, vol. 24, no. 3 (Autumn 2001).
Documents 3 and 4
View Charles Ingalls’ and Almanzo Wilder’s homestead records at the National Archives.
Charles Ingalls
Document 5
Laura Ingalls Wilder Family Correspondence 1861–1919.
Document 6
A Girl Pioneer in the Wisconsin Wilderness.
Document 7
A letter from Laura Ingalls Wilder to Rose Wilder Lane.
Document 8
Key Figures in the Dakota Conflict Trials: Speeches, Sketches and Narratives.
Document 9
Document 10
Caroline Fraser on the politicization of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s work.
Document 11
Rose Wilder Lane on the defense of liberty and her libertarian principles.