Further Reading about Ronald Reagan

General Histories of the Period

Steven F. Hayward, The Age of Reagan: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order, 1964–1980

Steven F. Hayward, The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counter-Revolution, 1980–1989

Sean Wilentz, The Age of Reagan

The Conservative Movement

Michael Bowen, The Roots of Modern Conservatism

Mary Brennan, Turning Right in the Sixties

Donald Critchlow, The Conservative Ascendancy

Lee Edwards, The Conservative Revolution

David Farber, The Rise and Fall of Modern American Conservatism

Paul Gottfried, The Conservative Movement

Laura Kalman, Right Star Rising

Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm

David Reinhard, The Republican Right Since 1945

Biographies of Reagan

Bill Boyarsky, The Rise of Ronald Reagan

Lou Cannon, Governor Reagan: His Rise to Power

Lou Cannon, President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime

John Diggins, Ronald Reagan: Fate, Freedom and the Making of History

Paul Kengor, God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life

Edmund Morris, Dutch

Michael P. Rogin, Ronald Reagan, the Movie

Garry Wills, Reagan’s America

Reagan’s Autobiographies

Ronald Reagan, Where’s the Rest of Me?

Ronald Reagan, An American Life

Reagan’s Early Life

Harold Adams, The History of Eureka College

Anne Edwards, Early Reagan

Reagan in Hollywood

Janice Anderson, Screen Greats: Ronald Reagan

Marc Eliot, Reagan: The Hollywood Years

Douglas McClelland, Hollywood and Ronald Reagan

Dan Moldea, Dark Victory

Steven J. Ross, Hollywood Left and Right

Tony Thomas, The Films of Ronald Reagan

Richard Vaughn, Ronald Reagan in Hollywood

Reagan’s General Electric Years

Thomas W. Evans, The Education of Ronald Reagan

Edward Yager, Ronald Reagan’s Journey: Democrat to Republican

Reagan as Governor

Bill Brown and Edmund G. Brown, Reagan, the Political Chameleon

Lou Cannon, Governor Reagan

Matthew Dallek, The Right Moment

Gary G. Hamilton, Governor Reagan, Governor Brown

The 1980 Election

Paul R. Abramson et al., Change and Continuity in the 1980 Election

David Broder, The Pursuit of the Presidency 1980

Andrew Busch, Reagan’s Victory

Elizabeth Drew, Portrait of an Election

Jack Germond and Jules Witcover, Blue Smoke and Mirrors

Jeff Greenfield, The Real Campaign

Jeffrey D. Howison, The 1980 Presidential Election

Gerald Pomper, The Election of 1980

The 1984 Election

Peter Goldman and Tony Fuller, The Quest for the Presidency 1984

Michael Nelson, The Election of 1984

Gerald Pomper, The Election of 1984

Ellis Sandoz, Election 84

Reagan as President

Larry Berman, Looking Back on the Reagan Presidency

David Boaz, Assessing the Reagan Years

W. Elliott Brownlee, The Reagan Presidency

William Bunch, Tear Down This Myth

Lou Cannon, President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime

Richard S. Conley, Reassessing the Reagan Presidency

John Ehrman, Debating the Reagan Presidency

Paul Kengor, The Reagan Presidency

Donald Mervin, Ronald Reagan and the American Presidency

Richard Reeves, The Reagan Detour: Conservative Revolutionary

Lester M. Salamon et al., The Reagan Presidency and the Governing of America

Michael Schaller, Reckoning with Reagan

Larry M. Schwab, The Illusion of a Conservative Reagan Revolution

William P. Snyder, Defense Policy in the Reagan Administration

Reagan’s Cabinet

Martin Anderson, Revolution

Alexander Haig, Caveat

Edward Meese, With Reagan: The Inside Story

Donald Regan, For the Record

George Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph

David Stockman, The Triumph of Politics

Caspar Weinberger, Fighting for Peace

Reagan’s Opponents: The Democrats

Karl Brandt, Ronald Reagan and the House Democrats

John A. Farrell, Tip O’Neill and the Democratic Century

Kenneth Moynihan, Came the Revolution

Tip O’Neill, Man of the House

Reagan’s Critics

Hodding Carter, The Reagan Years

Ronnie Dugger, On Reagan

Frances Fitzgerald, Way Out There in the Blue

Haynes Johnson, Sleepwalking Through History

Reagan’s Foreign Policy

Richard Aldous, Reagan and Thatcher

E. Bradford Burnes, At War in Nicaragua

Kenneth Dye et al., Eagle Resurgent? The Reagan Era in American Foreign Policy

Walter Hahn, Central America and the Reagan Doctrine

Edward A. Lynch, The Cold War’s Last Battlefield: Reagan, the Soviets, and Central America

Morris Morley, Crisis and Confrontation

Geoffrey Smith, Reagan and Thatcher

Kenneth W. Thompson, Foreign Policy in the Reagan Presidency

Reagan and the Cold War

Beth A. Fischer, The Reagan Reversal

John L. Gaddis, The United States and the End of the Cold War

Paul R. Loeb, Hope in Hard Times: America’s Peace Movement and the Reagan Era

Jack F. Matlock, Reagan and Gorbachev

Dan Obendorfer, The Turn

Peter Schweizer, Reagan’s War

Strobe Talbott, Reagan and Gorbachev

Reagan’s Friends

William F. Buckley, The Reagan I Knew

Michael Deaver, A Different Drummer

Peter Hannaford, Recollections of Reagan

Lyn Nofziger, Nofziger

Peggy Noonan, What I Saw at the Revolution

Peter Robinson, How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life

Peter Wallison, Ronald Reagan

Dick Wirthlin, The Greatest Communicator

Reagan’s Family

Bob Colacello, Ronnie and Nancy

Patti Davis, The Way I See It

Anne Edwards, The Reagans: Portrait of a Marriage

Lawrence J. Quirk, Jane Wyman

Maureen Reagan, First Father, First Daughter

Michael Reagan, On the Outside Looking In

Nancy Reagan, My Turn

Ron Reagan, My Father At 100

The Great Communicator

Toby Bates, The Reagan Rhetoric

Margaret Harrison, The Speeches of Ronald Reagan

Kenneth Holden, The Making of the Great Communicator

Davis W. Houck, Actor, Ideologue, Politician: The Public Speeches of Ronald Reagan

Fred Israel, Ronald Reagan’s Weekly Radio Addresses

Amos Kiewe and Davis W. Houck, A Shining City on a Hill: Reagan’s Economic Rhetoric

Kurt Ritter and David Henry, Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator

Mary E. Stuckey, Getting Into the Game: The Pre-Presidential Rhetoric of Ronald Reagan

Reagan’s Speeches and Letters

Ronald Reagan, A Time for Choosing

Ronald Reagan, Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation

Ronald Reagan, Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches

Ronald Reagan, The Creative Society

Ronald Reagan, The Greatest Speeches of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan, The Reagan Diaries

Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan Talks to America

Ronald Reagan, Sincerely, Ronald Reagan

James C. Roberts, ed., A City Upon a Hill [Reagan speeches to CPAC]

Kiron Skinner, ed., Reagan: A Life in Letters

Kiron Skinner, ed., Reagan in His Own Hand

Ralph E. Weber, Dear Americans: Letters From the Desk of Ronald Reagan