Case Study
The 4th Edition of the Media Student’s Book was published in 2006. Previous editions of the book included a ‘Practice’ section with a case study on Contemporary British Cinema.
The case study covers the following:
- Institution: what is a British film?
- British film culture
- British filmmakers and filmmaking traditions
- References and further reading
The case study can be downloaded as a pdf here (PDF, 3.9MB).
Although the background material remains relevant, the examples in the case study need to be updated.
Links for updating
The Case for Global Film blog has a large and expanding British Cinema section covering new films.
The UK Film Council’s Statistical Yearbook and its other research publications are invaluable for any film scholar. They can all be downloaded free from the website – which also has a host of other useful resources.
The British Film Institute offers resources on researching British Cinema and also the separate Screenonline treasure trove of British film and TV resources and this collection of video talks.
Bigger Picture Research does exactly what it says – provides the biggest collection of reports and links to film industry research.
The UK Film Distributors’ Association runs several websites that offer education resources.
Britfilms is another research and resources site for British films. run by the British Council.