June 16, 1940 |
HST delivers campaign speeches in Sedalia, Missouri, that discuss civil rights. |
July 14, 1940 |
HST addresses the Colored Democratic Convention in Chicago. |
June 1941 |
A. Philip Randolph organizes March on Washington. |
June 25, 1941 |
FDR agrees to create the Fair Employment Practices Commission. |
August 1942 |
Creation of the Advisory Committee on Negro Troop Policies (McCloy committee). |
February 29, 1944 |
War Department Pamphlet No. 20-6 “Command of Negro Troops” is released. |
October 1944 |
Army Service Forces Manual M5 “Leadership and the Negro Soldier” is released. |
April 12, 1945 |
HST becomes president after FDR’s death. |
October 4, 1945 |
First meeting of the Gillem Board. |
February 1946 |
United Nations Commission on Civil Rights is established. |
February 13, 1946 |
Isaac Woodard is beaten in South Carolina. |
February 24–25, 1946 |
Mob violence in Columbia, Tennessee. |
April 27, 1946 |
“Utilization of Negro Manpower in the Postwar Army Policy,” known as Circular 124, is released. |
June 6, 1946 |
HST appoints Fred Vinson as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. |
June 6, 1946 |
National Negro Congress submits petition to UN. |
June 21, 1946 |
Civil rights address by Attorney General Tom Clark. |
July 25, 1946 |
Lynchings in Monroe, Georgia. |
August 6, 1946 |
Formation of the National Emergency Committee against Mob Violence. |
September 19, 1946 |
HST meets with the National Emergency Committee against Mob Violence. |
September 20, 1946 |
HST sends Tom Clark a letter instructing him to closely examine the recent lynchings. |
September 23, 1946 |
HST meets with Paul Robeson and the American Crusade to End Lynching. |
December 5, 1946 |
HST issues EO 9808 that creates the President’s Committee on Civil Rights. |
December 20, 1946 |
The President’s Advisory Commission on Universal Training met for the first time. |
January 15, 1947 |
First meeting of the PCCR committee. |
April 15, 1947 |
Jackie Robinson makes his debut at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. |
May 29, 1947 |
The Advisory Commission on Universal Training issues its report: A Program for National Security. |
June 29, 1947 |
HST addresses the NAACP on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. |
October 10, 1947 |
A. Philip Randolph and Grant Reynolds organize the Committee against Jim Crow in Military Service and Training. |
October 23, 1947 |
NAACP submits An Appeal to the World to the UN. |
October 29, 1947 |
President’s Committee on Civil Rights submits To Secure These Rights to HST. |
November 19, 1947 |
Truman advisor Clark Clifford submits a memo about the campaign strategy for 1948 to HST. |
November 23, 1947 |
National Negro Congress merges with the Civil Rights Congress. |
December 9, 1947 |
HST asks Clark Clifford to draft recommendations for a comprehensive civil rights program. |
February 2, 1948 |
HST delivers a special message to Congress on civil rights. |
March 13, 1948 |
Seven of fifteen southern governors reject HST’s civil rights program. |
June 12, 1948 |
Women’s Armed Services Integration Act becomes law. |
June 26, 1948 |
A. Philip Randolph organized the League for Non-violent Civil Disobedience against Military Segregation. |
July 17, 1948 |
States’ Rights Democrats or Dixicrats meet in Birmingham, Alabama, and nominate Strom Thurmond for president. |
July 22, 1948 |
Leon Henderson, Chair of Americans for Democratic Action, sends HST a letter urging him to issue an EO to eliminate segregation in the military. |
July 26, 1948 |
HST issues EO 9980 that eliminates discrimination in federal employment. |
July 26, 1948 |
HST issues EO 9981 that eliminates segregation in the US armed forces and establishes a committee to oversee the implementation of the EO (Fahy committee). |
October 29, 1948 |
HST delivers a campaign speech in Harlem. |
November 2, 1948 |
HST wins the close presidential election. |
December 10, 1948 |
The UN General Assembly approves the International Declaration of Human Rights statement. |
January 12, 1949 |
Fahy committee holds its first meeting. |
March 1949 |
Louis Johnson replaces James Forrestal as Secretary of Defense. |
May 11, 1949 |
Secretary of Defense approves the air force integration plan; rejects the plans of the army and navy. |
June 1949 |
Gordon Gray replaces Kenneth Royall as Secretary of the Army. |
June 7, 1949 |
Secretary of Defense approves navy’s plan for integration. |
July 27, 1949 |
Fahy committee releases interim report. |
August 25, 1949 |
HST appoints Tom Clark to the Supreme Court. |
September 15, 1949 |
HST appoints Sherman Minton to the Supreme Court. |
September 30, 1949 |
Secretary of Defense approves the army’s integration plan; however, the Fahy committee had not seen the plan. |
October 6, 1949 |
HST refers to the army’s plan as “Progress Report.” |
October 15, 1949 |
HST appoints William Hastie as a judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. |
January 14, 1950 |
Fahy committee approves the Army’s Revision of Circular 124. |
May 22, 1950 |
President’s Committee on the Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Military releases their report Freedom to Serve. |
June 1950 |
The Korean War begins. |
November 1950 |
Civil Rights Congress submits We Charge Genocide to the UN. |
July 13, 1951 |
Project Clear preliminary report is released. |
November 1, 1951 |
Project Clear final report is released. |
March 29, 1952 |
HST announces he will not seek reelection. |
June 13, 1952 |
HST speaks at Howard University. |
October 11, 1952 |
HST speaks in Harlem. |
November 4, 1952 |
Adlai Stevenson is defeated by Dwight Eisenhower for the presidency. |
October 30, 1954 |
Army announces that all units were integrated. |