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“Spanish Influenza” (Editorial), Journal of the American Medical Association (Aug. 24, 1918)
“Flu Outbreak Closes Churches, Schools, Theaters,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune (Oct. 13, 1918)
“Homes Canvassed for ‘Flu’ Census,” Wausau (Wisc.) Daily Record-Herald (Oct. 16, 1918)
Interview with Bruce K. Hayden, Sr., about his experience on a troopship sailing to Europe during the epidemic.
Excerpts from Dayton [Ohio] Daily News, Oct. 4–31, 1918
“Sure Cures for Influenza,” Public Health Reports (Nov. 8, 1918)
Reprinted in Public Health Reports 91, no. 4 (Jul-Aug 1976), 378-380. Online at: