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The following links are presented as recommendations. All information on these websites are the responsibility of their administrator and may change over time. If you find any broken links or websites with inaccurate information, please let us know.

The links below are organised by geographic region and by chapter.

* New link since book


Details Relevant Chapter Geographic Region Type Theme
* Design Council (2011) Design in Planning: Climate Change, Planning and Localism 14 England PPT Future prospects
* Natural England's Access to Nature awards; grant scheme to raise awareness and access. 12 England Website Biodiversity
* The Great Fen, Huntingdonshire – RTPI Silver Jubilee cup winner 12 England Website Spatial planning for biodiversity and climate change
* UK Regional Climate Change Partnerships eg East Midlands: Adapting through natural interventions 2010 12, 9 England Document Biodiversity, green infrastructure, adaptation
* Environment Agency (2011) Strategic environmental assessment and climate change: guidance for practitioners 7 England and Wales Document SEA for climate change
Environment Agency, 2010: Thames Estuary 2100.  Study of planning for climate change in London. 7 England and Wales Website SEA for Climate change
* AGMA (Association of Greater Manchester Authorities)  2010 Decentralised and zero-carbon energy study and spatial plan 9 Greater Manchester Website City region spatial plan for decentralised energy
Visioning and backcasting for transport policy in London (study 2007-2009) 6, 8 London Document and website Scenarios, Mitigation
Tyndall Centre, 2009: Engineering Cities research project for London 6, 9 London Document Mitigation and Adaptation
* Mayor of London's Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Consultation 2010 video clip  9 London Video Adaptation
* London Climate Change Partnership,  2009: Wild weather warning:  a London climate impacts profile 9 London Document Tool: Local climate impacts profile
* Mersey Basin Campaign, 2010 Waterproof  NorthWest -  water resources scenarios to 2030 6 North West Document Water scenarios, catchment planning, adaptation
* Scottish Government:  SEA of Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Framework, 2009 3, 7 Scotland Document Adaptation
Scottish Government: 2009, National Planning Framework 2 5 Scotland Document Spatial planning
* Whitelee Wind Farm, Glasgow – RTPI award winner, 2010 5 Scotland Website Spatial planning for renewables, with community and habitat benefits
* Partnership for Urban South Hampshire 2010, Green Infrastructure Strategy 9 South Hampshire Website Urban region spatial plan for green infrastructure: mitigation and adaptation
UK Government: UK Climate Change Projections, 2009 and up-dates 3, 2, 6 UK Website Climate change scenarios
* UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: ongoing 2, 8,,9 UK Website Risk, Adaptation
UK CIP (UK Climate Impacts Programme): web-site and tools 3, 6 UK Website Adaptation, climate change and socio-economic scenarios
CLG, 2007, PPS 1 Supplement: Planning and Climate Change 4 UK Document Spatial planning and climate change
* TCPA, 2010: Planning for climate change: guidance and model policies for local authorities 4 UK Document Spatial planning and climate change
* Joseph Rowntree Foundation Programme: Climate Change and Social Justice 6 UK Website Social justice
SNIFFER, 2009:  Differential social impacts of climate change in the UK 6 UK Document Equity, social justice
* IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment), 2010: Guidance and tools for EIA of climate change 7 UK Website Impact assessment and climate change
DECC, 2009: UK Low Carbon Transition Plan 8 UK Document Mitigation
CfIT (Commission for Integrated Transport) 2009 Planning for sustainable travel: web-site and tools 8 UK Website Mitigation
* Committee on Climate Change website (for various reports 2009-2011) 9 UK Website Adaptation, Mitigation
* Defra’s Changing climate, changing infrastructure website: 8, 9 UK Website Infrastructure
* UK Green Buildings Council Great British Refurb case study: a Victorian terrace  9 UK Video Built environment, Housing
* London Climate Change Partnership: guidance on urban heat island 9 UK Website Urban heat island
* Environment Agency’s Managing the environment in a changing climate 2010 report under Climate Change Act 2008 10, 11 UK Document Adaptation
* COIN (Climate outreach and information network) 13 UK Website Communication
* DECC advisory group, 2010: Communicating climate change to mass audiences 13 UK Document Communication
Sustainable City visualization tool – visualizing urban environments 13 UK Website Visualization, adaptation
* Low carbon communities network 13 UK Website Community action, mitigation
* Low Carbon Communities activities eg The Meadows Ozone Energy Services, Nottingham 13, 8 UK Video Community action, mitigation
* RTPI  (Royal Town Planning Institute) Climate Change Compendium 14 UK Website Future prospects
Woking Climate Change Strategy 2008-2013 9 Woking Website Mitigation and adaptation
Details Relevant Chapter Geographic Region Type Theme
PRELUDE –  EEA scenarios – land use, climate change, demographics 6 EU Website Futures thinking, Scenarios, socio-economic scenarios
* EEA, 2010: The European environment – state and outlook 14 EU Report Future prospects
EU European Climate Change Programme website 3 EU  Website Adaptation , Mitigation
* European Environment Agency:  climate change as a policy theme 1 Europe Website and video Climate change, risks, mitigation, adaptation
* European Environment Agency, 2010: Adapting to climate change 2 Europe Document Adaptation, Mitigation
* SCENES (European research project on Water scenarios for Europe and neighbouring states) 6, 10 Europe Website Water, scenarios
Netherlands research programme: Climate changes spatial planning 4, 5 Netherlands Website Spatial planning, mitigation, adaptation
* Delta commissioner: New urban developments and re-structuring 8 Netherlands Website Built environment
Rotterdam's Climate Initiative 2007-10 9 Netherlands Website Mitigation
Netherlands Delta Programme: 10, 11 Netherlands Document Integration planning, water and flood-risk
* Delta Programme Commissioner website: 10, 11 Netherlands Website Water, Floods, Coastal
* Delta Programme Video: Working on the Delta (2010) 10, 11 Netherlands Video Water, Floods, Coastal
Details Relevant Chapter Geographic Region Type Theme
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: assessment reports and updates 1, 3 International Website Projections, assessments
* UNFCCC, United Nations Climate Change Conference Cancún, Mexico, 2010  - COP 16 / CMP 6 3 International Website UN Climate Change Convention process
* IAIA (International Association for Impact Assessment): Denmark symposium on impact assessment and climate change (2010) 7 International Website Impact assessment and climate change
Convention on Biological Diversity: guide to the CBD 12 International Website Biodiversity
* CBD Strategic Plan, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets (2011-2020) 12 International Document Biodiversity
* TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), 2010. International research study. 12 International Website and reports Biodiversity, adaptation
* CSTPR: World media coverage of climate change 13 International Website communication


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: assessment reports and updates  International Website Projections, assessments
* European Environment Agency:  climate change as a policy theme Europe Website and video Climate change, risks, mitigation, adaptation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
UK Government: UK Climate Change Projections, 2009 and up-dates UK Website Climate change scenarios
* UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: ongoing UK Website Risk, Adaptation
* European Environment Agency, 2010: Adapting to climate change Europe Document Adaptation, Mitigation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: assessment reports and updates International Website Projections, assessments
UK Government: UK Climate Change Projections, 2009 and up-dates UK Website Climate change scenarios
* UNFCCC, United Nations Climate Change Conference Cancún, Mexico, 2010  - COP 16 / CMP 6 International Website UN Climate Change Convention process
EU European Climate Change Programme website EU  Website Adaptation , Mitigation
UK CIP (UK Climate Impacts Programme): web-site and tools UK Website Adaptation, climate change and socio-economic scenarios
* Scottish Government:  SEA of Scotland's Climate Change Adaptation Framework, 2009 Scotland Document Adaptation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
Netherlands research programme: Climate changes spatial planning Netherlands Website Spatial planning, mitigation, adaptation
CLG, 2007, PPS 1 Supplement: Planning and Climate Change UK Document Spatial planning and climate change
* TCPA, 2010: Planning for climate change: guidance and model policies for local authorities UK Document Spatial planning and climate change


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
Netherlands research programme: Climate changes spatial planning Netherlands Website Spatial planning, mitigation, adaptation
Scottish Government: 2009, National Planning Framework 2 Scotland Document Spatial planning
* Whitelee Wind Farm, Glasgow – RTPI award winner, 2010 Scotland Website Spatial planning for renewables, with community and habitat benefits


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
UK Government: UK Climate Change Projections, 2009 and up-dates UK Website Climate change scenarios
UK CIP (UK Climate Impacts Programme): web-site and tools UK Website Adaptation, climate change and socio-economic scenarios
PRELUDE –  EEA scenarios – land use, climate change, demographics EU Website Futures thinking, Scenarios, socio-economic scenarios
* Mersey Basin Campaign, 2010 Waterproof  NorthWest -  water resources scenarios to 2030  North West Document Water scenarios, catchment planning, adaptation
Visioning and backcasting for transport policy in London (study 2007-2009) London Document and website Scenarios, Mitigation
* Joseph Rowntree Foundation Programme: Climate Change and Social Justice UK Website Social justice
SNIFFER, 2009:  Differential social impacts of climate change in the UK UK Document Equity, social justice
Tyndall Centre, 2009: Engineering Cities research project for London London Document Mitigation and Adaptation
* SCENES (European research project on Water scenarios for Europe and neighbouring states) Europe Website Water, scenarios


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
* UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: ongoing UK Website Risk, Adaptation
* Committee on Climate Change website (for various reports 2009-2011) UK Website Adaptation, Mitigation
* Defra’s Changing climate, changing infrastructure website: UK Website Infrastructure
Rotterdam's Climate Initiative 2007-10 Netherlands Website Mitigation
* UK Green Buildings Council Great British Refurb case study: a Victorian terrace  UK Video Built environment, Housing
Tyndall Centre, 2009: Engineering Cities research project for London London Document Mitigation and Adaptation
* Mayor of London's Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Consultation 2010 video clip  London Video Adaptation
* London Climate Change Partnership,  2009: Wild weather warning:  a London climate impacts profile London Document Tool: Local climate impacts profile
* London Climate Change Partnership: guidance on urban heat island UK Website Urban heat island
* AGMA (Association of Greater Manchester Authorities)  2010 Decentralised and zero-carbon energy study and spatial plan Greater Manchester Website City region spatial plan for decentralised energy
* Partnership for Urban South Hampshire 2010, Green Infrastructure Strategy South Hampshire Website Urban region spatial plan for green infrastructure: mitigation and adaptation
Woking Climate Change Strategy 2008-2013 Woking Website Mitigation and adaptation
* UK Regional Climate Change Partnerships eg East Midlands: Adapting through natural interventions 2010 England Document Biodiversity, green infrastructure, adaptation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
* SCENES (European research project on Water scenarios for Europe and neighbouring states) Europe Website Water, scenarios
Netherlands Delta Programme: Netherlands Document Integration planning, water and flood-risk
* Delta Programme Commissioner website: Netherlands Website Water, Floods, Coastal
* Delta Programme Video: Working on the Delta (2010) Netherlands Video Water, Floods, Coastal
* Environment Agency’s Managing the environment in a changing climate 2010 report under Climate Change Act 2008 UK Document Adaptation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
Netherlands Delta Programme: Netherlands Document Integration planning, water and flood-risk
* Delta Programme Commissioner website: Netherlands Website Water, Floods, Coastal
* Delta Programme Video: Working on the Delta (2010) Netherlands Video Water, Floods, Coastal
* Environment Agency’s Managing the environment in a changing climate 2010 report under Climate Change Act 2008 UK Document Adaptation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
Convention on Biological Diversity: guide to the CBD International Website Biodiversity
* CBD Strategic Plan, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets (2011-2020) International Document Biodiversity
* TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), 2010. International research study. International Website and reports Biodiversity, adaptation
* Natural England's Access to Nature awards; grant scheme to raise awareness and access. England Website Biodiversity
* The Great Fen, Huntingdonshire – RTPI Silver Jubilee cup winner England Website Spatial planning for biodiversity and climate change
* UK Regional Climate Change Partnerships eg East Midlands: Adapting through natural interventions 2010 England Document Biodiversity, green infrastructure, adaptation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
* CSTPR: World media coverage of climate change International Website communication
* COIN (Climate outreach and information network) UK Website Communication
* DECC advisory group, 2010: Communicating climate change to mass audiences UK Document Communication
Sustainable City visualization tool – visualizing urban environments UK Website Visualization, adaptation
* Low carbon communities network UK Website Community action, mitigation
* Low Carbon Communities activities eg The Meadows Ozone Energy Services, Nottingham UK Video Community action, mitigation


Details Geographic Region Type Theme
* Design Council (2011) Design in Planning: Climate Change, Planning and Localism 14 England PPT Future prospects
* EEA, 2010: The European environment – state and outlook EU Report Future prospects
* RTPI  (Royal Town Planning Institute) Climate Change Compendium UK Website Future prospects