Chapter 3
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Multiple Choice Questions
Essay Questions
Essay question: When viewed from a political perspective, globalization has involved the spread of a market-access regime of regulation replacing an older free-trade regime. What are its main features?
Links to Websites
World Trade Organization:
The WTO includes research and documents on international agreements and conferences relating to world trade, including the GATT.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD):
UNCTAD’s website offers publications and data on trade, investment and economic development issues, including the latest edition of the World Investment Report, which contains information and data on TNCs and FDI.
Fortune magazine:
This website offers articles and information on private businesses, including the Global 500 list of the world’s largest companies.
This website offers articles and data on global issues of interest to economic geographers.
Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI):
Although aimed at business people, the website of this global industry association contains a wealth of information on the global semiconductor industry.