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This is the companion website for the 5th Edition of Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. Written by award-winning educator and past president of the APA, Diane Halpern, this thoroughly revised edition applies theory and research from the learning sciences to teach students the thinking skills they need to succeed in today’s world. A rigorous academic grounding based in cognitive psychology helps students meet the challenges of a global neighborhood and make meaningful conclusions from the overwhelming quantity of information now available at the click of a mouse.
The skills learned with this text will help students learn more efficiently, research more productively, and present logical, informed arguments.
What You Will Find on this Website
Instructors and lecturers:
- Basic PowerPoint slides, incorporating lecture-friendly text and figures
- Enhanced PowerPoint slides with additional information not found in the text
- Multiple-choice and short-answer test questions
- In-class exercises and demonstrations
- Active learning exercises with possible student answers
- Crossword puzzles with solutions
- Thoughtful questions with possible student responses
- Review of critical thinking skills
- Recommendations for books, films, video clips, and links to further critical thinking
- References
- Review of core, introductory concepts
- Step-by-step review of critical thinking skills
- Chapter objectives
- Self-ratings of your critical thinking ability
- True-false quizzes to test your knowledge
- Active learning exercises
- Guidelines for topic analysis papers
- Thoughtful questions for reflection and analysis
- Fun online crossword puzzles
- Flashcards for further review and study
- Extra features to take your critical thinking further