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Chapter 8

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Editing 2.0 Exercises: Harvesting or sense-making? The role of aggregators

Module 8.1


  1. Do you think a fully automated news aggregator like Google News will ever match in quality what an aggregator staffed and run by humans can do?
  2. What do you think is an appropriate or even ideal ratio of original reporting to curated content for a news website that blends the two?


  1. Visit HuffingtonPost.com, one of the online news world’s top aggregators. Spend some time with the site’s coverage to note how HuffPo presents aggregated content. Does it do a credible job giving credit where credit is due?
  2. Imagine that you have just been tapped as the chief news aggregator for news about your area. From what sources will you collect or curate content? How will you present this content, and how will you credit their sources?


Editor’s Bookshelf—Additional Reading Suggestions

News from afar: Editing nonlocal stories

Tofel, Richard and Scott Kein. ProPublica: Why we use Creative Commons licenses on our stories. Neiman Journalism Lab, Dec. 13, 2012.

Silverman, Craig. McIntyre chronicles the best moments in copy editing. Poynter.org, March 14, 2012.