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Chapter 1

All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question. 

As a starting point, there are many useful sites for the main institutions of the British state and government. For example, see the monarchy (www.royal.gov.uk), the Anglican Church (www.cofe.anglican.org), the House of Commons and House of Lords (www.parliament.uk and www.explore.parliament.uk), the new Scottish Parliament (www.scottish.parliament.uk), the Welsh Assembly (www.assemblywales.org/) and the Northern Ireland government web site  www.nics.gov.uk. Another useful introductory site related to British politics is  www.historylearningsite.co.uk/gbpolitics.htm, which offers a comprehensive glossary of terms including liberal and representative democracy.

Political party sites

All the major political parties have web sites, and there are other sites that may be of interest to students of British politics such as  www.bubl.ac.uk/uk/parties.htm. See also the following list and subsequent chapters.

Labour  www.labour.org.uk

Conservative  www.conservative-party.org.uk

Liberal Democrats  www.libdems.org.uk

Scottish National Party  www.snp.org.uk

Plaid Cymru  www.plaidcymru.org/

(See Chapters 16 and 17 for more links to party sites).

Other sites of interest

www.direct.gov.uk is a good first point of entry for internet information on the public sector in the UK, as is  www.number-10.gov.uk.

www.hmso.gov.uk for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, contains legislation, statutory instruments and other official government publications.

www.britannia.com is a private site on all things British, in particular see  www.britannia.com/gov.

www.bankofengland.co.uk for the Bank of England.

Economic and social statistical data can be found at  www.statistics.gov.uk. The Cabinet's site at www.cabinet-office.gov.uk provides valuable information on the ministerial structure, the Civil Service and the public sector. General information about British culture and traditions can be obtained from www.english-heritage.org.uk