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Resources for Living Without and/or Mindfully With Gender

Whenever I bring up a Twitter conversation about asexuality, this is the website I’m told to visit by dozens of friends who identify as asexual. What’s wonderful is that none of them have the same definition of asexuality, and that spectrum is reflected in this website.

As part of my touring with workshops and performances, I get to visit many queer youth groups. SMYRC (Portland, Oregon, USA) and I fell in love with each other. Well, I’ve fallen in love with ALL the youth groups I’ve visited. SMYRC is where the youth and I developed the Language of Paradox Workshop. I think they’re super cool.

International Foundation for Gender Education
IFGE has been supportive family for me ever since I began my transition. The organization includes as its majority cross-dressers and transsexuals. I wouldn’t call it radically queer, but I often call it home.

The Queeriodic Table
When I was searching for sex-and-gender identities to add to my clubhouse list of gender anarchists and sex positivists, this was the funnest website I found. AND you can buy a copy for your wall. Mom and Dad will love it!

The National Center for Transgender Equity
I’m a citizen of the USA, and NCTE—currently under the leadership of Mara Keisling—makes it safer for me to be a citizen here. I support their politics and good works.

The Bent Writing Institute
THE place to go if you’re a queer performance poet. They’re based in Seattle, and no matter where you are, it’s gonna be worth the trip to go and work with them.

Neutrois Nonsense
One of the more foolish gender websites on the web. And I mean that as a high compliment. There are LOTS of solo blogs on the web—I offer this as a good example. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the rest of them.

You want to visit this site. Often. You want to become a member. Now. A most impressive trans* gathering place, with hundreds and hundreds of trans* voices.

Silence, Exile, and Crumpets
I think of Roz Kaveney as the poet laureate of the trans* universe. I wanna lick her brain.

I could keep adding website after website to this list, but I’ve got to stop and let you start clicking. So, start clicking! (and please follow me on Twitter, where I regularly give shout-outs to awesome sex-and-gender websites)

Auntie Kate

P.S. A few of my favorite queer podcasts/YouTube channels. There are so many more of these! They come and go quickly, though, so I’m only going to list a few. Give it a google and look for the ones you like best!

Feast of Fun (formerly Feast of Fools)
Podcast hosts Fausto Fernós & Marc Felion serve up… well… a feast of fun for anyone and everyone queer. They’ve invited me onto their show several times, and I hope to go back for more! Funny, smart, irreverent, and timely news and entertainment.

Trannystar Galactica on YouTube
Fun facts, serious issues, and always a warm-hearted point of view. I’m a fan. You will be, too. And if you don’t click with Trannystar, well, search YouTube for more sex positive and gender anarchy videos.