Chapter 2: The American Constitution
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Flash Cards
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Practice Quiz
Critical Thinking and Learning Exercises 1. Create a fictitious country (provide a name) and develop a constitution. Looking at the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of a second country, how does your constitution compare?
- 2. Review the unamended constitution; how many times do the framers make references to slavery, either directly or indirectly?
- 3. Test your knowledge of the constitution in a game of Jeopardy.
Links to further Resources
All About the Constitution
A comprehensive website devoted to understanding the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation
Constitutional Law and the Supreme Court
This Congressional Research Service website provides scholarly analysis of constitutional law issues and court cases relating to those issues.
The Articles of Confederation
This Library of Congress website provides a wealth of information about the Articles of Confederation, which served as the first constitution of the United States, from 1777-1789.
Timeline of the Revolutionary War
This interactive site provides a timeline of the major events in our war for independence. A review of these historical events provides an important context for understanding both the Articles of Confederation and the debate over the Constitution.
Liberty! A PBS Chronicle of the American Revolution
This companion site to the PBS documentary series provides useful contextual information for understanding the Constitutional Convention and the political culture of early America.
A Daily Diary of the Constitutional Convention
This website provides detailed minutes of the Constitutional Convention, as recorded by James Madison.
The National Archives
The National Archives provides a comprehensive official repository of American archival records.
The Federalist Papers
The Library of Congress website offers access to all of the Federalist papers. The Federalist Papers were a series of editorial pieces written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay advocating for the ratification of the Constitution.