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Interactive Health Atlas


Opening the atlas

To run the atlas from a PC:
The file entitled “GeographyofHealth_ElectronicAtlas.exe” is located in the “PC” directory and should run on any PC. Occasionally, the computer will produce a warning about the safety of the file due to anti-virus software. You may need to indicate that you want to download the files regardless if this is the case or ignore a virus warning when you run it.

To run the atlas from a Mac:
The files for Macs are located in the “Mac” directory. On some Macs the program may require the user to install Shockwave before it can be used.

To run the atlas from a browser:
With Shockwave installed, users should be able to run the file entitled “GeographyofHealth_ElectronicAtlas.htm” from either a PC or Mac operating system. These files are located in the “Shockwave” directory. In order for this to function, the file entitled “GeographyofHealth_ElectronicAtlas.dcr” must be in the same directory as the .htm file.

If you require Shockwave to run the atlas, you can download it from:

Please do not hesitate to contact Peter Anthamatten (peter.anthamatten@ucdenver.edu) if you have any trouble running these files.