The Authors
Elizabeth Dobler

Dr. Elizabeth Dobler began her career as a classroom teacher, teaching kindergarten, first, third, and sixth grades for 13 years. She earned her Ph.D. at Kansas State University and is now a literacy professor at Emporia State University, in Emporia, Kansas; here, she teaches courses in language arts, reading, and children’s literature. She also directs the Professional Development School program in Topeka Public Schools, where she supervises student interns. Her research interests have focused on web literacies as well as the instructional practices of preservice and novice teachers. She is an active member of the Kansas Reading Association, the International Reading Association, and the Literacy Research Association. Her other publications include the books Reading the Web: Strategies for Internet Inquiry and A Report Card on Report Cards and journal articles in the Kansas Journal of Reading, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, and Journal of Reading Education.
Denise Johnson

Dr. Denise Johnson is professor and director of the Literacy Leadership Program at the College of William & Mary, in Williamsburg, Virginia. She received her Ed.D. in Reading from the University of Memphis. She has worked as an elementary classroom teacher, a middle school reading specialist, and a Reading Recovery teacher; she now teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in reading and language arts methods and children's literature. Her research interests include literacy, children's literature, and the integration of technology into preservice and inservice education courses and in elementary classrooms. She has written several books, including The Joy of Children's Literature, and she has published articles in The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, and Literacy Teaching and Learning. She has been awarded the Instructional Leadership Award by the Virginia Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and was awarded the John Chorlton Manning Public Service Award by the International Reading Association.
Thomas DeVere Wolsey

Dr. Thomas DeVere Wolsey teaches online for the University of Central Florida. He worked in public schools for more than 20 years, teaching English, social studies, and other elective classes. He earned his doctorate at the University of San Diego/San Diego State University, and he holds a masters degree in educational administration from California State University at San Bernardino. His articles on literacy and technology have appeared in The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Action in Teacher Education, The California Reader, The Journal of Educational Administration, The International Journal on e-Learning, The Journal of Education, and The Journal of Literacy Research and Instruction. He serves on the review boards of several journals, including The Reading Teacher and The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. His recent books include Learning to Predict and Learning from Predictions: How Thinking about What Might Happen Next Helps Students Learn, Literacy Growth for Every Child, Transforming Writing Instruction in the Digital Age: Techniques for Grades 5–12, and Teaching the Language Arts: Forward Thinking in Today’s Classrooms.
Wolsey is interested in how literacy intersects with online and physical learning spaces, writing as a feature of learning about disciplines (e.g., mathematics, social studies), and writing in digital environments.