Welcome to the companion website for Neuropsychology: From Theory to Practice.
This website includes the following features to support your study of neuropsychology:
- Guidance on answering the ‘study questions’ in the book
- A chapter-by-chapter glossary of key terms used in the book
- Flashcards to test your knowledge of these key terms
- Links to related websites
About the book
The second edition of this comprehensive textbook for students of neuropsychology gives a thorough overview of the complex relationship between brain and behaviour. With an excellent blend of clinical, experimental and theoretical coverage, it draws on the latest research findings from neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, neurochemistry, clinical neuropsychology and neuropsychology to provide students with new insights in this fast moving field.The book is organised around the main neuropsychological disorders in the areas of perception, executive dysfunction, attention, memory, cerebral asymmetry, language, emotion and consciousness. There is a clear emphasis on bridging the gap between theory and practice with links throughout to clinical issues of both assessment and rehabilitation to build a clear understanding of the application of the theoretical issues. The final section in each chapter illustrates the importance of a more systematic approach to intervention, which takes into account theoretical views of recovery from brain damage.
New to this edition:
- A new chapter format that includes a “basic issues” section, which contains up-to-date essential knowledge of the chapter subject, and a "further topics" section for a more advanced treatment of the subject.
- A new section on neuroscientific approaches to rehabilitation in each chapter to make links between scientific knowledge and clinical treatment.
- A brand new chapter on consciousness.
- A new full colour layout with increased pedagogical features, including key terms, section summaries, study questions and improved presentation of figures and brain diagrams
This book will be invaluable for undergraduate students in neuropsychology and students who wish to take the subject further to the various clinical fields.