Drag-and-Drop Self Tests


Match the labels listed to the numbers as shown on the images to test your knowledge of key anatomical landmarks and structures. Simply drag the appropriate number to sit alongside the appropriate label, as shown above.

  1. Skull of full-term fetus – A from the front; B from above
  2. Skull of full-term fetus – C from the left
  3. Adult skull – from the right
  4. Adult skull with individual bones coloured – from the left
  5. Adult skull, median sagittal section hence removal of midline structures forming the nasal septum – from the left
  6. Adult skull, median sagittal section with removal of the nasal septum and individual bones coloured – from the right
  7. Cranial vault coverings – from above
  8. Brain, with arachnoid mater and underlying blood vessels removed from the right hemisphere – from above
  9. Brain, with arachnoid mater covering intact – from the left
  10. Brain, with arachnoid mater and underlying blood vessels removed – from the left
  11. Brain, median sagittal section, with arachnoid covering intact – from the right
  12. Brain, median sagittal section, with arachnoid and underlying blood vessels removed – from the right
  13. Dura mater and meningeal vessels – from the left
  14. Cranial cavity, paramedian sagittal section, hence the preservation of the falx cerebri and nasal septum – from the right
  15. Base of adult skull, external surface – from below
  16. Base of adult skull, internal surface – from above
  17. Brain, base, cerebellum and brainstem, with arachnoid mater and blood vessels removed from the left hemisphere – from below
  18. A. Cranial cavity, base – from above
  19. Cranial cavity, brain and upper spinal cord in a paramedian sagittal section, with removal of the falx cerebri and nasal septum – from the right
  20. Cranial cavity, brain and upper spinal cord in a paramedian sagittal section, with removal of the falx cerebri and nasal septum and exposure of cranial nerves in situ – from the right
  21. Cranial cavity, cavernous sinus, cranial nerves in situ – from the left above and slightly behind
  22. Cranial cavity, optic and olfactory nerves in situ – from above
  23. Lower brainstem and cervical part of the spinal cord – from behind
  24. Lower brainstem and cervical part of the spinal cord – from behind
  25. A. Superficial structures of the head, neck, shoulder and upper thorax – from the front and left
  26. Anterior cervical region (anterior triangle) of neck – from the front and left
  27. Lateral cervical region (posterior triangle) of neck – from the front, left and above
  28. A. Deep neck, great vessels – from the front
    B. Isolated thyroid gland – from above
    C. Isolated left superior parathyroid gland – from the right
  29. A. Deep structures of neck I – from the left and slightly below
    B. Isolated left submandibular gland – from above
    C. Isolated left parotid gland – from above
  30. Deep structures of neck II, with bisection and removal of the left half of pharynx and larynx – from the front left and slightly below
  31. Face, superficial structures I – from the left
  32. Face, superficial structures II – from the left
  33. Masticatory muscles I – from the left
  34. Masticatory muscles II, with masseter reflected inferiorly to display temporalis insertion – from the left
  35. Infratemporal fossa I, with partial reduction of the mandible and exposure of the mandibular canal – from the left
  36. Infratemporal fossa II, larynx and deep neck, with removal of the majority of the mandible – from the left
  37. Submandibular region and larynx – from the left
  38. A. Larynx – from the front
  39. B. Larynx – from behind
  40. Hyoid bone and cartilages of the larynx – A from the front; B from behind
  41. Pharynx posterior surface – from behind
  42. Adult skull, anterior external base, dentition – from below
  43. Adult mandible, dentition – from above
  44. A. Mouth and pharynx, paramedian sagittal section – from the right
    B. Structures of the tongue exposed in a paramedian sagittal section – from the right
    C. Isolated left sublingual gland – from the right
  45. Floor of mouth, deep and adjacent structures exposed in a paramedian sagittal section – from the right
  46. A. Nasal septum, paramedian sagittal section – from the right
  47. B. With partial removal of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone and nasal septum to expose the mucosal lining – from the right
  48. A. Lateral wall of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, paramedian sagittal section with removal of the nasal septum – from the right
  49. B. Semilunar hiatus, with extensive removal of the superior and middle nasal conchae – from the right
  50. A. Lateral wall of the nasal cavity, paramedian sagittal section with removal of the nasal septum and a portion of inferior nasal concha to display the opening of the nasolacrimal duct – from the right
  51. B. With removal of a posterior portion of the nasal conchae to expose the palatine canal – from the right
  52. Structures of the external nose – A, B from the left; C from the front
  53. Adult skull, structures relating to the orbit – from the front right and slightly above
  54. Adult skull, with coloured bones – from the front left and slightly above
  55. A. Left orbit with roof removed – from above
  56. B. Superficial structures – from above
  57. Left orbit with roof and lateral wall removed – from above left and slightly behind
  58. Left orbit with partial removal of roof and lateral wall – from the left
  59. Left orbit with partial removal of roof and lateral wall – from the left
  60. Left orbit with eyeball removed – from the front
  61. A. Left orbit and nasolacrimal duct – from the front and slightly left
    B. Isolated left lacrimal gland – from above
  62. A. Left auricle – from the left
  63. B. Left auricular cartilage (pinna) – from the left
  64. Adult skull without the mandible, lower lateral surface – from the left and slightly below
  65. Left inner ear exposed through the tegmen tympani of the temporal bone in the floor of the middle cranial fossa – from above
  66. Coronal section through the left ear – from behind
  67. Coronal section through the left ear – from the front
  1. Adult bones of the left upper limb – A from the front; B from behind
  2. Coronal section through the left shoulder joint – from the front
  3. Superficial structures of the left anterior thoracic wall and shoulder – from the front and slightly right
  4. Structures of the left deep lateral neck, brachial plexus, axilla, shoulder and upper arm – from the front
  5. Left brachial plexus and axilla I – from the front
  6. Left brachial plexus and axilla II – from the front
  7. Coronal section through the left elbow joint – from the front
  8. Adult bones of the left elbow joint – A from the front; B from behind
  9. Structures of the left anterior shoulder, upper arm and forearm – from the front
  10. Structures of the left posterior upper arm and forearm – from behind
  11. Superficial structures of the left forearm and palm of hand – from the front
  12. Superficial structures of the left distal forearm and dorsum of hand – from behind
  13. Adult bones of the left hand, palmar surface – from the front
  14. Adult bones of the left hand, dorsal surface – from behind
  15. Coronal section through the left wrist joint and hand – from behind
  16. Sagittal section through the joints of the left wrist and middle finger – from the left
  17. Superficial structures of the left forearm and palm of hand – from the front
  18. Deep structures of the left distal forearm and palm of hand – from the front
  19. Deep structures of the left forearm and palm of hand – from the front
  20. Deep structures of the left distal forearm and palm of hand – from the front
  1. Adult skeleton of the abdominal region – from the front
  2. Abdomen, muscles of the anterior wall – from the front
  3. Abdominal viscera I – from the front
    Structures of the internal abdominal wall – from below
  4. Abdominal viscera II, with greater omentum reflected superiorly – from the front
  5. Transverse section through the abdomen at the level of the second (LII) and third (LIII) lumbar vertebra – from below
  6. Caecum, terminal ileum (the iliocaecal junction) and vermiform appendix – from the front
  7. Transverse section through the abdomen at the level of the first (LI) lumbar vertebra – from below
  8. Upper abdominal viscera I, with removal of most of the small and all of the large intestine – from the front and slightly below
  9. Upper abdominal viscera II, with removal of most of the small and all of the large intestine – from the front and slightly below
  10. Stomach, incised along the length of the greater curvature and opened (as a book), to expose internal structures in a coronal plane, thus views are:
    A. Anterior portion re ected superiorly, from behind
    B. Posterior portion, from the front
  11. Liver – from the front
  12. Liver – from below
  13. Pancreas – from the front
  14. Spleen – A. from the front
  15. Spleen – B. from below
  16. Posterior abdominal wall I – from the front
  17. Posterior abdominal wall II, with stomach and duodenum reflected superiorly – from the front
  18. Right kidney, with adrenal gland – from the front: A. Encapsulated within perinephric fat
  19. Right kidney, with adrenal gland – from the front: B. With perinephric fat removed and upper part within brous capsule
  20. Right kidney bisected by coronal section, posterior half – from the front
  21. Adult skeleton of pelvis, with ligaments – from the front
  22. Adult skeleton of pelvis, with ligaments – from above
  23. A. Structures within the male pelvis, left side in a paramedian sagittal section – from the right
    B. Isolated left testicle – from the left
  24. A. Structures within the female pelvis, left side in a paramedian sagittal section – from the right
    B. Isolated left ovary – from the right
  25. Male perineum, with body of penis in transverse section – from below
  26. Female perineum – from below
  1. Adult bones of the left lower limb – A from the front; B from behind
  2. Coronal section through the left hip joint – from the front
  3. Left gluteal region with gluteus maximus and medius severed and reflected laterally – from behind
  4. Right gluteal region with removal of the lower outer two-thirds of gluteus maximus – from behind
  5. Superficial structures of the left femoral triangle and thigh – from the front
  6. Superficial structures of the left gluteal region, thigh and popliteal fossa – from behind
  7. Superficial structures of the left leg – from the front
  8. Superficial structures of the left leg and popliteal fossa – from behind
  9. Sagittal section through the left knee joint – from the left
  10. Adult bones of the left knee joint – A from the front; B from behind
  11. Superficial structures of the left lower leg, ankle and dorsum of foot I – from the front left and slightly above
  12. Superficial structures of the left lower leg, ankle and dorsum of foot II – from the front left and slightly above
  13. Deep medial structures of the left lower leg, ankle and sole of foot I – from the right
  14. Deep medial structures of the left lower leg, ankle and second layer of sole of foot II – from the right and slightly below
  15. Adult bones of the left foot – from above
  16. Adult bones of the left foot – from below
  17. Coronal section through the left ankle joint and foot – from the front
  18. Sagittal section through the left ankle joint, foot and great toe – from the right
  19. Superficial structures of the left sole of foot – from below
  20. Structures of the first layer of the left sole of foot – from below