Welcome to the companion website for Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics, 2nd edition by Tony Cotton. On this site readers can find additional material to support selected units together with realistic video-based case studies.
About the book
Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics, 2nd edition seamlessly combines subject knowledge and pedagogy. This book will not only build your own confidence in mathematics, but will also equip you with the curriculum understanding and pedagogical know-how to excel at teaching maths to children of any age.
Written in a clear and accessible way, the book guides you through the fundamental ideas which are at the heart of teaching and learning maths, with special focus on observation and the assessment of primary and early years children.
Hallmark features
Links to the classroom and research are provided throughout to help you relate educational theory to your own teaching practice.
Portfolio and audit tasks allow you to assess your own subject knowledge and build up the portfolio of evidence you may need to gain Qualified Teacher Status.
The accompanying extra resources offer topic-specific self-audits for you to monitor your progress, exemplar lesson plans to support your planning, and a range of Portfolio Tasks mapped directly to current teacher standards. There are also web-links to up-to-date online resources.
Resource Inspiration boxes give inviting examples of different activities to try out do with your class and to provide inspiration for your own teaching.