Chapter 3
Here you will find student resources related to Principles of American Journalism, including:
- Flashcards to test your knowledge of key terms and subjects
- Links to additional resources for projects and papers
- Quizzes to practice what you’ve learned.
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
- Tony Barnhart’s profile on Twitter says he is “ writer, broadcaster for The SEC Network; Columnist for GridIronNow; contributor to 680 The Fan.” The textbook describes his advice to young jounalists as “learn how to do everything.” See his work at
- You can follow Nate Skid, the video producer for Advertising Age who is described in the textbook.
- An Al-Jazeera story is an example in chapter 3. Read more recent news coverage at
- The news values in this chapter describe the news. They don’t prescribe how news has to be. Not every journalist uses the same seven terms to describe news values. For another approach, read an article by Jeff Rowe for School Video News.
- The Poynter Institute is full of ideas about reporting and writing. Try and scan the tips.
- The definition of journalism changes over time, as societies and democracies change. The American Press Institute expounds on the 10 Elements of Journalism by Kovach and Rosenstiel, as described in chapter 2 and again in chapter 3. Take a look at the description at the American Press Institute.
- “Car bombings and suicide attacks kill dozens in Iraq,” Al-Jazeera, July 22, 2015.
- Michael Massing, “Digital Journalism: How Good Is It?” New York Review of Books, June 5, 2015.
- Michael Massing, “Digital Journalism: The Next Generation,” New York Review of Books, June 25, 2015.
- The Changing Newsroom: What is Being Gained and What is Being Lost in America’s Daily Newspapers?
- Stuart Allan, News Culture, Berkshire, England: Open University Press, 2010.
- Daniel J. Boorstin, The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, New York: Vintage Books, 1987.
- Arthur Brisbane, “A Cocktail Party With Readers,” The New York Times, March 12, 2011.
- Derek Thompson, “ESPN’s Plan to Dominate the post-TV World, The Atlantic, July 9, 2015.